Hello, new here, need help!

  • Hi I'm new to the forum so just wanted to say Hello and hoping to find some support for my weight problem. I'm female, 42 and weigh almost 20 stone. How I let myself get into this state I have no idea (well, I do have a few lol). I was 23 stone. I lost 4 stone with Weight Watchers then put on a stone again (whilst still attending WW - the shame!). So, today I am determined to put the cakes and pizzas behind me and get on and lose another four stone. I have issues with like walking down the street and fearing someone will shout out "fatty" or something. Anyone else relate to this fear? Thanks.
  • Welcome, Sammy! We're glad to have you here!

    As for your fear of walking for exercise outdoors, I think most of us here have had some not so great experiences. However, don't let it stop you. I have had idiots (almost always men) slow down their car (never on foot - then I could chase the jerks down - lol!) and say stupid things to me about my weight or how I look. Generally they're quick insults yelled, and then they drive away.

    Again, even though this is unpleasant, don't let it stop you - these are the EXCEPTION, not the rule. Exercising outdoors is way more fun for me than indoors, especially in the summer. And I am going to do what I need to do for me, regardless of other people I don't know and never will. They mean nothing, I mean everything, so I'll do what needs to be done for me and my health.

    If you're not feeling up to outdoors yet (but seriously, don't let your fear stop you - it's totally worth it), maybe do cardio or other exercise videos at home. Lots of people love those.

    You can definitely do this, and we're all here to support you while you do.

    Again, welcome to the site!
  • Hi Sammy! I agree with Penny that you shouldn't let jerks stop you from walking outside if that is what you enjoy most. However, if you'd rather walk in private, check out Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos on youtube. She has all different levels and it really gets you moving! I'm glad you joined us here! Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!
  • Hello and welcome! Good on you taking control again after a regain. I had lost 50 lbs and put it all back on then some. It's so easy to put the weight back on. I believe a stone is ~ 14 lbs - so I am about 18 stone right now I think? I don't know lol. You will be happy you joined this forum, there is always someone who can relate and offer support without judgment. We have all been there!

    I agree with Penny and Jacqui that if you enjoy walking outdoors don't let the idiots stop you. When it happens, just say "!@#$ 'em" and move along. The neighborhoods where I've walked are pretty quiet, otherwise I walk in the park or the gym. So no idiots shouting out so far, I'd def have it out with them if they did. Of course, I am hearing impaired and remove my hearing aids when I exercise due to sweating, so maybe there were insults. Oh well, what I don't know won't hurt me. Is there anywhere else you can walk maybe? If not you should look into Jacqui's suggestion for the Leslie Sansone videos.
  • Welcome and so glad you've joined us!

    I myself let the fear of getting in front of others and working out paralyze me for years. When I first started working out I went to an all female gym and then it all of a sudden, after four months, closed and I was forced to switch to a co-ed gym and I was terrified. Not so much of what people were going to say to my face but what they were going to think. That was enough. After I freaked out for a good week, talked it over with my therapist I realized that I started this journey and I absolutely will not let anything or anyone get in my way. And even if someone yelled at me something like that I would gather everything I could to keep going cause the world is full of stupid people and unlike mosquitoes, there is no repellant, sadly!

    I have been at this new gym for 6 weeks btw, and I am still the biggest girl there and one day, I won't be anymore but I see these guys that I thought might judge me, see me everyday and now they smile, make friends and it's a lot easier than I thought.

    Don't let anything hold you back. This is your journey, your health, your life.