Stay At Home Moms #79

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  • Hi!
    Karen, that recipe sounds yummy- I might give it a try in a few weeks after we get back from our trip. Right now I have a lot of meals planned for the week and am trying to play out what is in my freezer. Good for you getting your workout in!!!! As for your back- could you be favoring your lower abdomen muscles so much (post op tenderness) that you are straining your back. I know that they suggest strengthening the lower abs to support the back, which might be difficult for you. Hope you feel better! Sorry 'bout that humidity. Unfortuately we deal with it a lot in NY. August in NY is humid . Can't wait to see how your WI goes!

    Spryng-congrats on that big loss!!!! Wonderful! Sounds like the old- pre pregnancy Spryng has locked in on a diet, just as you did before Tanner. You amazed us all with your dedication and will power. Finally succeed at a diet, huh??? (you make me laugh......) you did so well before Tanner and are doing great now! WTG!

    Well, for me the past two days have been good WW days. I have stayed within points range both days, journalled, got walks in....and today still have 6 points left if I want them. I am a bit bummed, I wanted to get to a meeting in NC while we are there- just to compare it with the ones up here. There are 3 I could get to, but I doubt that any of them will be at a convenient time, knowing what we will be doing. I want to go more out of curiosity than anything else. I really do not think I'll have much trouble staying OP there and will get to my meeting this week.
    This week will be busy- packing and it is route selection for the bus. Those of you who pray, if I could make a request. I really want my route back from last year, as it allowed me to drive Dd to school on my bus. Who gets what route is based on seniority- and I have, whatever the Lords will is will be. Guess I am just being selfish. I will know Tuesday morning what is up.
    Well, gotta go. Oh, I did get the zipper in on the dress, and just have the buttons and hook and eye to go. Pfew!!
    Have a great nite.
  • Good evening all!
    I'm glad I crack you up Ginny, lol. I guess I don't see myself the way you do. To me I felt like I failed constantly on diets before Tanner was concieved, but I guess you are right, I did get within 10 lbs of my goal weight and that was a nice success then. But this time I don't want to deter at all. I feel really focused.
    I did very good today. My salad for lunch was amazing. It really hit the spot. For dinner we went to my MIL's and DH grilled steaks, so I had a nice sized steak and a pile of green beans. It was good. I also got in alot of water today.
    Well I have to go to sleep. I'll talk to you all tomorrow!
  • Kind of lonely here today!
    Right now, the rest of the family is devouring an Entemanns chocolate cake after the pizza dinner and I'm outa points, so here I am! It is one of those times that Dh has basically ignored that I might have some eating concerns and he surged ahead and did what he wanted. Ok, I'll stop the pity party and go for another walk.
    Other than that, eating etc.. has been good. We went to church this morning, and the assistant pastor gave an excellent sermon (noone tell our pastor, but the assistant is a better preacher!).
    I got a 2 point walk in, and am now considering another.......dunno about that.
    Gotta go. Have a good nite.
  • Good evening all!
    Oh, I am so sorry Ginny that you had to be around that pizza and cake when you had no points to join in. That must've been hard to pass up. But good for you to turn to the ole' computer for refuge from yourself and I hope you got that 2nd walk in!
    My day has went well. Me and dd went shopping together, just the two of us and she really loved it. They are growing up so fast that it breaks my heart sometimes. But I got stocked up again on plenty of low carb items for this week. So I am ready to tackle it.
    Well, I need to get in bed. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • I'm startin a new thread gals