Low carb + stomach aches

  • I have been following my own version of the low carb diets. I've been kind of combining what I've read from Atkins, Protein Power and others. The problem is that I get stomach aches like when you are taking an antibiotic. It's different than hunger. It's not very painful but yet annoying distubance. And it's not gas either. I was wondering if anyone else experiences this and if it will last long. I have beem doing this for about 3 weeks and haven't been totally faithful. But on the days that I am my stomach hurts again.
  • Are you having cramps, like with diarrhea?
  • nope, no diarrhea, no cramps. it's a weird feeling. I thought i remember reading somewhere that it was the enzymes in your stomach changing but i can't remeber where. just wondering ig anyone else was experiencing this.
  • I only get that when I eat carbs now. I'm on my 5th week of low carbs with one little meltdown a week and a bit ago. During those dark hours I thought I was going to die, it was incredible pain. But if I'm on plan I have no problems at all.
