Help can't shake my food cravings

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  • I'm having such a hard time at the moment. I can't stop binge eating and it's driving me mad. I diet for a couple of weeks and then I lose control for weeks. I have all these amazing birthday plans upcoming in June/July and it's as if I don't even care! Maybe it's because I do have so much weight to lose and I feel like losing 1 or 2 kg won't make any difference to how I will look in the mirror now, and I should just do what makes me happy! I don't know. I wish I can change what makes me happy someday.

    Today I have had a coffee and all-bran cereal for breakfast (both with lite milk) but all I can think about is having fast food for lunch. I'm not even hungry right now so I know it's just my mentality.

    2 years ago I managed to lose 11kg and now I'm wondering how the heck I even managed that.

    Just need some inspiration I think.
  • It may not be your mentality. It may be that you are carb-sensitive. Someone who is carb-sensitive will experience a spike in blood sugar after eating carbs that will quickly fall and cause more hunger. We know we shouldn't be hungry because we just ate, but our bodies are signaling our brains that we need more carbs. Can you eat eggs for breakfast instead of cereal? If you can just cut back on carbs for a few days (only allow carbs that are non-starchy veggies), you might find your lose your intense cravings. It's not always about willpower. Sometimes it's physical cues.
  • Good advice, Thanks alot I will opt for boiled eggs tomorrow
  • My first instinct was bad food choice for breakfast. The carbs just create a cycle of craving over and over, and they seem to result in never feeling "full." I'm guessing your breakfast wreaked some serious havoc with your blood sugar.

    I think trying protein for breakfast might help...and be aware that quitting carbs usually causes withdrawal symptoms.
  • I'm struggling too, you're not alone! I just get the urge to EAT. Nothing really specifically, I just feel hungry when my stomach isn't growling (but I never really know because I have stomach issues and its always bubbling and being NUTS!) I think we just have to trick our minds. I bought some sugar free popsicles and I suck on some caramels. I don't care at the moment about the caramels having sugar or being "bad". A serving is 3 at 70 calories and I only have one. How much is 23 or whatever calories going to hurt me? If those 20 calories keep me from eating 500 calories, I'll take it. You could try sucking on ice chips. My teeth can't tolerate really cold things, which is why I prefer the caramels, and it's satisfying.
  • Quote: I'm struggling too, you're not alone! I just get the urge to EAT. Nothing really specifically, I just feel hungry when my stomach isn't growling (but I never really know because I have stomach issues and its always bubbling and being NUTS!) I think we just have to trick our minds. I bought some sugar free popsicles and I suck on some caramels. I don't care at the moment about the caramels having sugar or being "bad". A serving is 3 at 70 calories and I only have one. How much is 23 or whatever calories going to hurt me? If those 20 calories keep me from eating 500 calories, I'll take it. You could try sucking on ice chips. My teeth can't tolerate really cold things, which is why I prefer the caramels, and it's satisfying.
    Eating carmels can keep carb cravings alive and demanding, even one at only 23 no-nutrition calories. Artificial sweeteners do the same thing. Better would be to eat a few berries, which are low carb and low glycemic. Freeze them and then you will enjoy eating them slowly. You could have 1/2 cup strawberries for 25 calories.
  • You're not alone, there are more people that can diet for a couple of weeks and then go back to binging then there are people who are successfully treading their diets. There are also more people who lose weight on diets only to gain it all back within a couple of years than there are people who lose it and keep it off. When you look at the facts not only do diets not work, but there is evidence that diets cause weight gain. I won't get into the gritty details but these articles will

    To me, dieting is just a roller coaster. It goes up, it goes down, but you always end up going nowhere and possibly gaining weight. What all diets have in common is that they force you to not eat things that you want to eat, creating a sense of deprivation that your body reacts to in a biologically violent way = by binging.

    I wish someone had told me that when I first started dieting. I could have avoided 20yrs of dieting/restricting/binging the ultimately resulted in my weight gain. There are other ways of going about it that don't require you to have to label foods good and bad. Intuitive eating helped me a lot, it's also called hunger directed eating and there's lots of info out there about it if you're interested.
  • Fresh Feeling:

    I agree with Jacque D about the carb thing. I think it's the same as sugar. When you eat sugar, your body will just crave more. I know that's what happens to me. Carbs turn into sugar right? So I usually have scrambled eggs with Swiss chard, onions, broccoli - so satisfying. I also do okay with oats, cinnamon, walnut, & stevia. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry, I just have an apple & a handful of almonds.
  • HI! first of all I agree about the sugar thing- But as to carbs-it's the kind of carbs that matter. Complex ones are good. Low Glycemic ones are good also. I have both kinds. Once before , several years ago I tried to do with Hershey's kisses what you do with caramels and ultimately regained my weight-never reached goal- So I am very strict about sugar intake.
    The second and most important with cravings is that there are several "tools" out there that can help you with that. On my blog (a link is below next to my picture) if you look under tools you will see everything from EFT (Tapping-my best tool of all), aromatherapy, reflexology to self hypnosis that have helped me stay the course . I just had my first slip (had seconds) in almost 9 months. So this stuff really works.

    PS. See ticket still messed up=be sure to just click upper line right of my picture if you want to go to my blog
  • You say that you can diet successfully for a few weeks and then you fall off the wagon. That sounds to me more like you have a problem with motivation. Maybe you try to remember what made you start dieting and what kept you going, when you were on track.

    Don't worry, we're all going through the same problems. We lose some and gain some.
  • I'm with Palestrina on this one. Be gentle with yourself, and perhaps try to get into a stable eating pattern, instead of a deprivation-binge pattern, first. Then you can make small improvements one at a time from there. It may sound slower, but long term it won't be, and it will be much more livable and sustainable.
  • Quote: You say that you can diet successfully for a few weeks and then you fall off the wagon. That sounds to me more like you have a problem with motivation. Maybe you try to remember what made you start dieting and what kept you going, when you were on track.

    Don't worry, we're all going through the same problems. We lose some and gain some.
    I have to say, it's really disheartening to anyone to be accused of lacking motivation. It perpetuates the idea that losing weight is a matter of willpower and it just isn't. Anyone who thinks it is usually fails at it. Ithaca nothing to do with motivation or personal failure.
  • Fresh feeling:

    How are you? Did you give in to the fast food? If you did don't be hard on yourself. Read the thread on "Falling off the Wagon". That is very helpful. Also remember, most people here are trying to be supportive, so just know that sometimes we can misinterpret what is written. I say "take what you like & leave the rest". Meaning, what you find helpful, use it, what doesn't help, take with a grain of salt. Everyone has an opinion.

    As for what Velvet Bean wrote, I personally didn't see it as offensive. Motivation & willpower are two different things. Sometimes I lack motivation, that's why I'm here. You all help me to get more motivated!
  • Yes I did give in unfortunately. However, today is a new day and I'm feeling no urges today whatsoever. I had 2 boiled eggs for breakfast with pepper and a glass of warm lemon water. I know what people are saying about the carbs, but all bran is pretty good, carb wise. It's not that bad in a 30 gram serving and it is extremely high in natural fibre, which is a really important part of digestion and a cancer preventative. So I will alternate between the bran and eggs etc.. I think a contributing factor to my downfall is eating the same breakfasts, lunches so I'll try mix it up.

    Thanks for the responses, people maybe it was just my depressed attitude but nothing's gonna change if i keep eating junk.. only weightgain.

    Alot of the time, when I am going through my binge craze I will want to order pizza or any takeout when I'm completely full. It's almost like I want to cram as much junk in as possible into one day and maybe I won't eat bad tomorrow?

    I have understanding of who I am and what I'm like... I think I need to work on changing my 'out of control phase'.

    Anyway, I have a clear head now and I'm ready to tackle my bulge yet again!! I hope everyone else is doing well with their healthy regimen xxx
  • What is it about the fast food that makes you want to get it? Can you make your own lean burger on a low calorie bun or lettuce wrap, slice up a potato and bake for fries, make a pita or flatbread pizza, baked egg rolls, stir fry, etc?

    Sometimes I think we rely on "diet" vs "non-diet" foods and that's where it makes this entire thing hard. If I want a burger, I'm eating a burger! I'll just make sure to make it the healthiest way I can so I'm not deprived.