Food Addicts Support, contd.

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  • Thank-you for that validation flower! I'm experiencing ambivalence in my approach re sugar. Alternative explanation is I fell of the wagon. I'm doing the Slow Carb plan, 3FC version with some tweaks, and there it prescribes a Carb Day, both to stoke the metabolic furnace and to balance out any feeling of deprivation. Otherwise it's low carb but allows legumes, avocado, cottage cheese.

    Anyway, Slow Carb is my long term WOE plan. My carb day is meant to be non sweet fast carbs like potatoes. But yesterday I had sweets--devil's spawn indeed!-- along with carby Mexican food. I did not binge though, even though it would have been ok on my plan. I just didn't want that much sweet stuff. It felt good to have a 'meh' reaction. I won't be planning for sweets every week, though. So my news is Sugar Free day #1. Sometimes it takes few tries to get rolling.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Solstice! Actually solstice is the beginning of me worrying about how to handle short daylight. There's gotta be a sugar-free way...
  • Flower, Hope you survived Costco & other challenges of the demonic spawn genre. Fwiw, I noticed on your ticker that you are working to eliminate 2 things. Speaking for myself, I've had success tackling one specific at a time. It's that much easier to miss only one thing. Once I no longer miss it, I can tackle something else.

    Sugar free day # 2 begins!

    Happy Solstice Fellow FAs! May the light be with us
  • Solstice: so much hot! The light was definitely strong down here!

    Mars -- Happy Sugar Free Day #3 today! (looking back at something you posted a couple posts ago): I wish I felt physically bad when I overate, it would be an excellent deterrent and reminder to knock it off. But I have to have a terribly extreme binge to get to any level of discomfort, I guess I'm just a bottomless pit in my belly. I rarely have a physical sense of fullness even when I'm on plan. I have to use my brain to scope out what is an appropriate portion and then kinda go by that, when the food is gone, I'm done -- period. I wish I had better signals from my body.

    Flower -- My grocery store pipes the smells of their bakery throughout the building. I can tell when they are making the donuts, it kills me! If they did samples it would be torturous. I think we have a costco somewhere in my area, but I've never been. Is it only one day they do this sample thing?

    So I made it through the weekend without snacking, and without extra portions, and I feel fine. So clearly I was just eating for entertainment when I was doing that, not because I actually needed more food. What a shock.
  • Thanks, Mrs. Snark! WTG with no weekend snacking. I'm glad to hear you felt fine. That's half the battle, imo, to know that nothing bad will happen or that that we won't be haunted by those 'need to eat' sensations.

    So begins sugar free day #4. So far so good. This feels like a honeymoon phase though. I don't think Friday's indulgence is fully out of my body. The big challenge will be Thursday-Sun.
  • Hang in there, Mars! Weekends are always more of a challenge for me than week days, too. But you can do it!

    My husband is currently out of town and will return Thursday, so Thursday night will begin the Snack Storm at my house, lol. So I'm right there with you -- being cautiously optimistic but also aware of what's coming down the pike.
  • Mrs. Snark Sounds like you have a balanced attitude & know what you are up against. Being around someone else's WOE on a regular basis can sure add a challenge! But you know what to do! Here's to Strength on Snack Storm Thursday for you

    Other than a sugar accident with infused balsamic vinegar, I've had a good sugar-free run so far & starting Day 5. By coincidence, my workplace is having a sugar-free challenge in which I enrolled.

  • Sugar free day #6 begins.
  • Happy Friday!

    Today is sugar free day # 7. It's easier to do this when I'm not hungry, more a matter of staying focused and remembering the resolution rather than white-knuckling it.
  • A week sugar free!! Wowser, Mars, that's awesome! Way to go!

    The Snack Storm began at my house last night, after DH returned home, and I did fine. It was helpful that Mr. Snark tends to snack on stuff I either don't love or that isn't vegan. It was kind of him to keep the Fritos out of the house. I have my meals planned for tonight and Saturday night, as well, so I should be ok going forward. Yay for planning!
  • Yay YOU Mrs. Snark : for conquering Snack Storm! And a tip of the hat to Mr. Snark for leaving out Fritos.

    I think this is the first week is a very long time that I have not had sweets. I'm wondering if there is anything to the gut bacteria theory of sugar craving. RIP to a few million of my sugar-loving microbes, hopefully! Today is sugar free day 8. I'll be happy to see what it feels like to get through a weekend without sugar.
  • Sugar free day #9. Today is Carb Day on my Slow Carb plan. My goal is to carb load without sweets--it will be the first time since big wt loss diet. I'll be enjoying lunch out & looking forward to a nonrestrictive restaurant meal.
  • Awesome, enjoy your carb day, Mars! I think in the way-back-past I did a weight lifting diet (for cutting) that carb cycled, I remember how darn good carb day was -- everything was extra tasty!

    I officially made it through the weekend without indulging in any extra snacks, and I am still alive and semi-friendly. So proud. ;-)
  • I think this is where I belong. I consider myself addicted to food as I want to eat all the time. Sometimes it feels like I do it and im not aware until after the fact. I also have a sort of switch where when I start it doesn't stop till I go to bed. I feel like I cant even make it through 1 day doing good. Have no support at home as im doing this on my own. Right now I need to lose about 70 pounds. Any simple ways to get started and stay on track??
  • Giggling over Mrs. Snark's comment about "semi-friendly." Also must say I love the dog in your profile picture.
  • Happy Tuesday Sugar free day # 11 begins. That's a short time but it's longer than I've managed for a very long time. Usually I get strong cravings after about a week of no sugar. It's a nice peaceful feeling. It helps to eat bigger meals and avoid getting too hungry. I've been on the Slow Carb WOE and weight is moving in the right direction, ever so slowly.