Weight gain during period, anyone?

  • Does it happen to you? How much do you gain? Hoping these extra couple of pounds drop off after my period is over because I have been sticking to my diet and exercising regularly!
  • Yes, my weight tends to bounce around, particularly a few days before my period. I can go up 2-3 lbs, but I've even gone up 5-6, and it has stayed all week, then I had my period and bam! it drops off. Sometimes I don't even weigh myself during my period because I know it isn't reflective of my true weight.
  • Oh yes, it definitely happens to me! I don't bother weighing myself before and during my period because the numbers are so high during this timeframe. These weigh gains lasts at least 2 weeks for me.
  • My TOM cycle is really random... Sometimes I gain a ton in the days before and then drop as soon as it starts (Classic PMS) ... then other times I'm lean until it starts and then pack on a few pounds in the first few days...

    Odd, but things definitely even out about a week or so after the cycle starts.
  • Just put on 2.2 pounds. It was a surprise period. -- I was craving sweets and food like mad, and did not understand it. A day later TOM showed up, nearly a week early And scale rewarded me with 2.2 pound water gain. Hopefully this flushes out soon; atleast now that TOM started those cravings are gone
  • *Generally* speaking, anywhere between 2-4 pounds is considered average, although 0-10 pounds falls within the "normal" range.