Oct. Newbies 2013- motivated in May

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  • Want2b - you've got this!! Just take it one day at time. Good for you for posting your goal and your right, 15 is way better than 50 and I agree with Liana,"rebooting is not a failure...not rebooting is a failure".

    Liana - the picture of your dad's town is beautiful. What a scary part of history he lived thru, I can't even begin to imagine what that was like for him, family, and friends.

    Lucci- way to go on 2lbs down!

    Slip. - that's great that you are walking with a group. Knowing the group is expecting you helps with the motivation. My running group is only reason I've taken up running, we chat and laugh together on the runs.

    Thanks for all the congrats. Feeling very proud. Still working at recovering the body and managing the hunger. Adding in some extra protein and really working hard at planning.
  • Liana's post about..."rebooting is not a failure...not rebooting is a failure". Is very true. But does anyone else feel guilty about rebooting? I feel down on myself for letting it happen, guilty for not caring, and ashamed that I couldn't maintain. I am trying not to think about those things, I am trying to focus on the fact that I have still lost 70lbs and I am working on getting back to where I want the scale to be. Trying to keep my focus on getting these 15lbs off, and getting in more exercise.

    Jenny: Thanks for the encouragement.

    Slip: Good for you for getting in some walks, I bet it feels good to be out. Nice that you can walk with teachers but not ones you work with, nice to complain sometimes and just get sympathy!
  • Want2b- I think it is about perspective- maintenance is going to be a life long task. I think of it as- progress not perfection. 85 pounds ago, would you have stopped your slip or would it have turned into a year long slide? We are human, it is all about using the tools that we have learned to get back on track. You can do this!

    Let go of the shame- today is a brand new day to make good choices- one bite at a time.

    Hawaii, where are you, friend?

    Jenny, I am actually walking with two different friends, on different days.
  • Hi everyone;

    I've been super busy lately and also a bit discouraged with my weight so haven't posted. I need to get these 15lbs off to get back down to my low range, I'd be happy with 10 but I'm so frustrated that I even let them creep back on. I'm still getting exercise in here and there but not as regular as I'd like. I need to get my nose to the grindstone and just do it. It was so much work, time and money to lose the weight and so it's discouraging to put some back on. I'm still down 17lbs from my highest but I am at that 'feeling fat' weight stage. I know that even if I lost 5lbs, it'd make a difference. I just have to deal. My clothes are at that 'just fitting into' point. Anyway, there's my vent. I need to quit whining and start doing. I've been reading your posts, they are always encouraging! Thanks everyone!
  • Quote: "rebooting is not a failure...not rebooting is a failure"
    Love this.

    Quote: Let go of the shame- today is a brand new day to make good choices- one bite at a time.
    And this.

    Hi everyone. I continue to lurk here, love seeing your updates. I've struggled too with feeling guilty about having to reboot, particularly because I have to reboot already. I felt like i was barely in maintenance and let 17 pounds come back on in a snap.

    The lesson really is diligence is needed in maintenance as much as during weight loss, but it is hard. It is really hard to keep to it when life gets in the way. Hang in there Hawaii and wanttobe. We've proven we can muster up the will power before and we can do it again. You've got this.
  • Want2b--At least you are aware that you gained weight and also know what you need to do. Again it is easier said then done.

    DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. I lost 60lbs last year and GAINED 70lb back in less then 3-4months!!! (I had a lot of stress) but I just didn't want to deal with the reality.

    I am now back on P1 down 32 lbs but it is very hard and I get IP fatigue since I have been on P1 for almost 2 years give or take a couple of months.

    I am so mad at myself and I am not perfect but I do what I can on P1.
  • Kind of weird that some of us hit a maintenance speed bump at the same time. It would be interesting to know if the 9-12 month of maintenance slip is common. Diet fatigue is definitely part of it.

    Luccilove, can not even imagine 2 years of Phase 1! I do think it is harder to do a second time. Stay strong, girl.

    Hawaii, I think that posting every day, keeps me on track. When I was sick, it was hard to find the desire to post or to resist comfort foods. But I know that I need the focus of posting and being accountable.

    Pishposh, fall six times- get up seven. The desire to keep on trying, is half the battle. You are right, we know that we have will power and can be successful from our Phase 1 experience. Maintenance is a brain game-making good choices and being diligent.

    Overall, I am hearing a lot of shame and frustration. I have not found that these emotions serve my journey, they just help perpetuate the cycle. Reflect, analyze the causes/ emotions, learn, make changes, and then move forward. When you know better, do better (until the next time, cuz we are human).
  • Hi Ladies,

    Wow, sounds like many of us are struggling. I am up a few lbs and feeling a bit "fluffy" as well. I think I've gotten that "I'm so busy, I don't care anymore" attitude. It doesn't help that May seems to be the busiest month of the year, filled with events involving food and drink. Like Hawaii, I haven't been exercising as much as I'd like this week. I should have a bit more time on the weekend to get that in.

    Hang in there everyone. Don't feel guilty about rebooting! Be proud that you are taking care of it before it becomes a bigger problem. We need Liana's willpower dust!

  • Thanks to all who gave me great advice and thoughts, it really helps to have this support group!

    So, am focusing on another good day of eating. It doesn't help that its TOM and I am retaining water and feeling bloated but it happens every month. Will focus on clean eating, good portions, drinking water and not eating after supper. Those are my goals. Have a great day everyone.
  • Yes, I need to make a goal for the rest of this month, & stick to it too...
    NOT eating after supper (except on worknights for my planned snack at midnight)... that would solve the problem right there for me.
    Okay, I wrote it down, now to implement it!

    *note to self* Let go of the shame. Good way to put it, Slip!

    for everyone!
  • I stalk your thread and really like reading what you all write
  • I lost my post Too tired to write it all again.

    Amber, no need to stalk- feel free to jump write in.
  • Thank you Slip

    Hello to everyone.... hope the weekend goes well.
    We are getting lots of rain here in Colorado and my former home CO Springs got eight inches of hail last night, google the pictures if you just want to look at something interesting on a break
    Only 5 minutes of hail here, mostly constant rain for the week going from sprinkles to torrents.
  • 9-12 month maint. reboot
    Just thinking on your earlier post comment, Slip. Probably the 9-12 month point for some up-pounds is common, because I believe it was mentioned in one or two of the Phase 3 or 4 IP videos (a 'sideways' sort of comment) as being a good idea to do a 'tune-up' as they called it once a year. Perhaps by that time we start to get a bit complacent and little things may get missed, or perhaps our metabolisms get used to this way of maintenance and need a shaking up a bit to 'confuse' it (definitely not the scientific terms I'm using to describe this).
    Something to think about anyhow....
    NSV last night: NO SNACK was had 'in the filming of this program!' (and down a lb this morning from yesterday).


    Hail?!?! Good Grief!
  • Hi everyone,

    Liana, Way to go on sticking to your no late night snack pledge!!!!! Glad also, to hear that we are not struggling alone with where we are in our maintenance journey.

    Amber, that weather sounds crazy! As a gardener, I immediately thought about all of the spring plants.