A re-introduction

  • Hey everyone!

    I'm on my second swing through here, but my first was so long ago (and so many things have changed) that I decided to re-introduce myself.

    My name is Emilie, and I'm currently sitting at 205lbs. I've had lots of "female" medical problems throughout my 30 years of life, and frankly sometimes I make really bad choices when it comes to food and exercise.

    I recently found out that the thyroid condition I was diagnosed with last summer was actually a misdiagnosis, so I'm working on not using that as a crutch for my weight anymore.

    I'm really aiming to lose a significant amount of weight over this summer, and cement some really solid healthy foundations. I am starting law school at the end of August and want to use exercise and healthy eating as a coping mechanism instead of food binging.

    Looking forward to being active and getting to know all of you!
  • Hi Emilie-Marie, I'm fairly new here and looking to lose a fair bit this summer as well. This site seems to be a wealth of information and full of great advice. Good luck on your journey, you can do it!
  • with your efforts!!
  • Hello, Emilie. I'm also back on 3FC after being here once before (also a very long time ago). I wish you all the best with your health and weight loss efforts.

    I've realized that for me, changing my mind-set and perception first, is what is helping me stay on track. I've read so many success stories about people who lost the weight, but still had a very unhealthy way of thinking so they were still miserable. Hopefully, by changing yourself mentally and emotionally first, the physical part will be much easier!
  • Welcome back Emilie,

    I am back to site as well, after a long hiatus. So proud that you will be starting law school soon. I wish you all the luck as well. It not easy Im sure. Im a nurse and my first study mechanism was to reach for food ALWAYS. Well that was 9 years ago and i have no excuse now! lol

    I glad you came here for support before school starts. Good luck to you !!