Exercise and lap band

  • I am considering lap band surgery but one of the things holding me back is that I'm guessing I will have to scale back my exercise routine, at least for a short period of time. My weight has ranged from 160-294, I'm currently 210 and currently do CrossFit 5-6 days/week. Was anyone else an avid exerciser before surgery who can let me know how long they had to take it easy afterward? I'm really worried b/c last year I had carpal/cubital tunnel surgery and had to restrict my exercising for about 6 weeks and that was the beginning of a significant weight gain (I was about 180 at that time).
  • That will depend on your physician. My doctor said 6-8 weeks I could start exercising but you would have to start off slow (with any WL surgery). They really stress focusing on healing inside first. I wouldn't worry about weight gain after bariatric surgery you won't be eating many calories.

  • Don't forget, there is no limit on walking, so you can walk as your exercise.