
  • Hey!

    Is there any vegan calorie counters?
    Would love to hear your stories and change recipes and support!
  • Hey there! I'm vegan! I just restarted counting calories a few weeks ago, but I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have.

    And if there are any other vegans out there, come say hi!
  • I am a vegan!

    A microwave vegan. I've been one for 3 years, and honestly my dietary rotation is only a few things because I'm too fatigued to ever make anything myself at this rate rip...

    This probably sounds like an advertisement but the best "meal" foods I've gotten are from boca. their vegan hamburgers, chicken patties, and beef crumbles are all I eat, besides fresh fruit / vegetables, maybe some vegan friendly cereals etc.

    As a tip though if you do try the beef crumbles (I really recommend them, back when I was healthier I actually made some for a meat eating friend and they liked it better than meat!), is to add taco seasoning to it and cook it in a pan. It makes really, really good tacos. In my experience though, it definitely needs iceburg lettuce to give it the texture it needs. Without it, it just doesn't have a good "mouth feel".

    The hamburgers are 70 calories per patty, the crumbles are 70 calories for half a cup, and the chicken patties are 140 each. They're really filling and the chicken ones are good when chopped up and put into salads too, so you don't have to waste calories on bread.

    I had a lot of recipes because I used to really like to cook, but I can't find them on my computer right now. :/