Anyone Out There

  • I just started the LAWL program again this morning. I lost a lot of weight very quickly about 10 years ago and kept it off for many years. I am looking to lose 40lbs this time and keep it off for good...Looking for some support...
  • I know I'm a few months late, but I'm looking to start LAWL again and am also looking for support. How's your journey going?
  • Hi! I'm in the same boat. I dropped about 60 lbs through LAWL and then doing it on my own. I had a baby and 16 months later still looking to drop the baby weight. I'll help with support any way I can :-) I'm super new to this site so I don't really know how it works.
  • I'm also in the same boat @djinni! I did LAWL about 14 years ago, did awesome, had 2 kids gain all back plus! Joined ww last year. Lost 30 off the bat, but haven't lost anything for a year now. Going to try LAWL again. I need support too