Meal plan examples for lowest net carb

  • Hi there!!
    I'm a newbie and this is my first time doing ideal protein. I have a question regarding meal plans for lowest net carbs. I would like your examples and input on how you're eating. I'm following the meal plan given to me by my coach and also tracking my food with Myfitnesspal. My average net carb intake is 21-24. I've read that others are able to keep theirs under 20. Any suggests and advice will be highly appreciated.
  • The only reason you would need to keep your carbs that low would be because you are extra sensitive to their impact on your body, which is highly unusual. Keeping your net carbs at 40-50 is what you probably should be doing. It's best to follow the protocol and eat everything you are allowed to eat because that is how the protocol works best. Plus, it is much, much easier to continue on the plan when you don't try to deprive yourself even more than the protocol already requires.

    Staying that low could actually cause the diet to backfire on you by making your body hold onto every last ounce of fat because it is trying to prevent you from starving. Stick with the protocol as it is really DOES work! Good luck on journey!!!
  • If you try and game the system you will have no headway available to reduce when you hit the inevitable stalls. You also risk reducing your metabolism, which will ultimately kill your caloric intake for maintenance.

    Unlike conventional diets where this is a good short-term philosophy, ketosis doesn't work that way and you can do yourself a lot of harm by trying to minimise in this way. Your body has a starvation mode and if you drop your calories and/or carbs too low, it will stubbornly hold onto fat and refuse to lose.

    Simply put - trim visceral fat off meats, eat good proteins (chicken, pork, fish - both oily and white, good cuts of beef, 95-99% lean ground) and eat good healthy veg with plenty of antioxidants. Don't forget that veggies may be higher in carbs, but they also tend to be high in fiber which balances it out and keeps it moving through your digestive system quickly.

    You may see a bigger return on loss in the early days, but that won't help you after the first couple of weeks as your smart body adapts and fights you.

    IP works. Trust the process or be smart with alternatives. When you exercise heavily build some more calories in to keep HEALTHY. Nobody wants to lose lean weight and make themselves less healthy in a fat burning program.
  • Thanks for the advice and input on the matter. Trimming the fat is something that I haven't been doing. I like the ideal of having a little more net carbs and not worrying about it. Thanks again.