Has anyone used WW Expert Online Chat?

  • I would like to use the Get Back On Track chat because it would be nice to get the support. However, I know my issues and I know what I'm supposed to be doing and so forth. Do they just give good support or are they only for answering questions? What was your experience like?
  • I guess that nobody has. lol
  • Archy - I did. I found it fine for the technical stuff (like why isn't my fitbit syncing) but I wasn't overwhelmingly impressed with the more "guidance" support, but I'm picky. lol

    I used it trying to determine the best option at a bar we were going to. I was trying to figure out the points for a veggie burger because when you look it up on the WW app it says 3pp for a frozen one, but I found it extremely hard to believe that a house made restaurant veggie burger would only be 3pp. She basically told me if I wasn't comfortable with 3pp to double the value or assign it more. I'm not sure what I was looking for her to say, maybe a trick or something, but I felt like I already knew that. LOL
  • I have not tried it but our meeting leader did and she was not that impressed. She pretended to be a member who was not motivated but there is only so much motivation you can give a person over chat who you have never met. Our leader's story did not motivate any of us to try it, if anything most of us would stay away from it. I think it depends on what you are looking for.
  • Chat and personal coaching are new to WW.

    As an old WW member and now leader, WW is stepping into a place they've never been.

    It's not perfect. I get that. On the other hand, if I can grab my phone, open the app, and shortly have "someone/anyone" willing to help, it can't be all wrong.

    The people who are responding to your "chat" at 3 a.m. on a Sunday morning, are doing this because they are passionate about the program, and they really do want to help!

    On the Fitbit issue. I've had a flex since early 2013. Love the thing. Currently replaced the flex with a new charge. Love it!

    Since WW started promoting Fitbit, both websites have been overwhelmed by the response. Now and then, it does take a bit for my stats to update, but they always do.

    "PATIENCE" is the key! Patience with yourself, technology, program! This is a long haul! Ditch old habits, learn new ones. Takes time! I should know!

    It's been a long haul! Full of all kinds of challenges! Bad days, good days, yada, yada, blah blah! But, I never gave up, and I never will!
  • I tried the "Get Back on Track" chat and they were suppose to send me additional information via email and never did. I never used it again but I definitely say try it out and see what you think-you might have a better experience.
  • I've used the chat through the app on two different occasions--but were minor point value questions. They were quick to answer and have support for their answer! I didnt know I could get help with my fitbit--which I have had for 3 weeks now and it's been linked to my WW account but still has not synced!!
  • I used it today due to being told I hadn't made lifetime. The chat was helpful and I went to another center and changed my goal weight. I just couldn't maintain my initial goal weight and was always three pounds under it. So I made my goal weight a lower number that I could maintain thanks to the advice of the help guide woman.