Any plateau on a walking weight loss program?

  • I've been walking off my weight from Jan 2015. In 5 weeks, I precisely lost 6.5 lbs. But I seem to have hit a plateau for now.. is it because body cannot always be in the losing mode?

    Please if there are any walkers, let me know if you faced a plateau and how you overcame it.

    (Although I'm walking, I never held it to be in the 'hall of fame' of exercises, somehow walking always seemed to me to be the least favorable form of exercise, as I thought it takes very long time to lose weight this way...).
  • Try adding short fast burst. It will help raise your heart rate and therefore burn more calories. Hope that helps!
  • For most people, there will be plateaus regardless of what exercise program you're on.

    I've lost 50 lbs in 6 months only walking for exercise. I watched every thing that I ate.

    I've also spent a year at the same weight while running 3x per week, cycling 3 x per week, and lighting weights 4x per week. I ate back everything I burned.

    Even if you are eating at a calorie deficit, stalls are normal due to hormonal fluctuations and a slew of other reasons. Also, as you reach a lower weight and become more efficient at the exercise you're doing, you burn fewer calories.

    My advice would be to focus on what you're eating and consider exercise to be a stress reliever and a little boost to your calorie deficit, not the linchpin of your weight loss efforts.

    Hope that helps!
  • Thank you, healthnut and Streudel for your replies!

    Streudel, I am all the more motivated upon learning you lost 50 lbs in 6 months walking alone! Feels good to hear from a fellow walker!

    I have absolutely and positively plateaued for the time being, it appears! Because it has been 2 weeks since I had my last weight loss... and it is mysterious because I have been doing the same thing - eat right and less, and keep at the exercise, whereas the first 5 weeks I lost consistently!

    I really appreciate the advices, thanks!
  • I recently had a months loss plateau. As you lose weight, you burn fewer calories (since you weigh less) so you either have to increase activity or eat fewer calories to lose the same amount.
  • Hi all!

    After 6 weeks of walking on a plateau, I skipped my usual walking exercise for the past 5 days and suddenly I have a whoosh -- of 4 lbs down! I'm super-excited, although it seems unexplainable why I am having it all of a sudden, I am telling myself that at some point, the exercises do tend to give out results!

    So no more plateau for me!