Maintainers Weekly Chat February 23 - March 1

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  • We continue in the Boston area to make the news as a bit snowed in. Eight feet of snow fell - and just sits as we wait for warm weather to remove it. Every town has had its snow-clearing budget overrun. This would indeed be the year to have invested in a snow plow to work non-stop for three week.

    My house has giant icicles hanging from the room. I broke some of them; others are too thick to break.

    The great thing is to avoid eating as a response to cabin fever.
  • Thinking of you, Bill. Over this side of the pond we've started saying to one another that spring is just round the corner. Spring will arrive for you, too. It will.

    And for you, Dagmar and saef. And anyone else still in the throes of winter.

    Wrestling bureaucracy re my uncle's health care. Traditional family weaknesses now starting to show. Emotion and money is just not a healthy combo. I've had a banana for my mid-morning snack. A healthy choice, I think, considering.
  • Bill I can send you a playmate to combat that cabin fever - Natalie is going full goose bozo by this point and needs some major distraction. She too is demanding more and more to eat to combat the boredom.

    We are having what I hope is the last bitterly cold day of this winter today. Dogs are all crazy - typical for a Monday - and NOT amused when I say it's time to go back to the car after 20 minutes. Going to go through a large quantity of dried liver cubes today. Better than frostbitten ears.

    I ma cautiously optimistic that the major snows and bitter cold days are over for this winter. There will be one or two smaller snowfalls and maybe one more cold day but I think I'm over the worst.

    Eating my own weight in Peak Frean's this weekend did little to help change the weather but it did remind me what my body no longer likes.

  • We have a "cooling trend" this week. Yesterday it was so nice, it even drizzled rain for a few minutes (although I believe the other side of the mountain got a bit more rain). There are clouds in the sky which makes for a beautiful sunrise. All the cold weather in the east with bountiful snowfall makes us out west quite jealous. We're going to have a bad fire season. I was talking to my Dad yesterday and he said several ski resorts in Utah have closed already. That's the earliest I've ever heard--usually they close early in March or April (but you can continue to ski into June if you don't mind hiking). My brother is a ski patrolman at one of the resorts that closed, his wife is patrolling at one that is still open for the time being.

    We golfed both Saturday and Sunday and I can tell that the lessons I've taken are helping quite a bit even if my scorecard doesn't say so. No golf next weekend as we're going to an all-day event Saturday (Rhythm, Wine and Brews Experience). DD and SIL are coming for the weekend for that. And we'll be celebrating my MIL's non-birthday (leap year baby).
  • It has been cold here this last couple if weeks, too. The snow and ice that has been lurking around the corner but has been tossed around on the news to scare us to death hasn't come to be in the metro area, and they are calling for it again on Wednesday. I have my doubts. I would like it to warm up, please.

    I have a headache today - have had one for the majority of the last week. I'm pretty sure it is sinus. The head cold from a few weeks ago has stuck around - congested, sore throat starting to come back. Sigh.
  • Hello all, sorry I have been absent, work has been completely crazy and is going to continue to be so this week. I'm still alive and still working on losing baby weight. I've actually been pretty darn good about sticking to my plan the last couple weeks and it is paying off despite not having time for the gym.

    It's really cold here too, wind chills in the negative double digits. My mom is coming out to visit from LA this week and is probably going to be afraid to go outside.
  • I really feel for all of you still facing the cold. I'm complaining because it is cool and windy here today-- you all would be pulling out the shorts in my weather!

    Also super busy here too-- work is super busy this week! tons going on. Hope to post more later.

    Going back to Napa overnight this weekend-- can't wait. Hope to have my weight down before I go. It was lower until this morning as dh and I had breakfast out yesterday and I had a rather large dinner. Body pump tonight to work on my baby guns!
  • Yikes! Just got a catalogue for spring clothing. And if I don't buy what I need now they will be sold out before spring really arrives. I was looking to get one more pair of work winter boots - it's winter in the area where the store's main headquarters are located - but in the style I want they are sold out of my size!

  • Dagmar, wasn't sure what peakn freaks were.. Or whatever you said. My auto correct on my iPad is changing it! I googled it and it looks like biscuits?

    Shannon, I used to get sinus headaches every year starting in late January-Feb., lasting about 4-5 weeks. Then a couple years ago I started taking local honey every day. I have one Tablespoon pretty much every day and that stopped all sinus issues. My DH has a client who we buy it from. I suppose up north there is less time when you can buy local honey but probably you could stock up in the summer. When I lived in VA., I would get the headaches much later in the year but here in Fl I guess everything starts blooming early. It's 60 calories for a T of it, but it's worth not having headaches. I have it in my plain yogurt or on toast or a shake. It takes a few days to get in your system I think.

    Hope it warms up soon for you all. it is starting to get nice down in Fl. We have to really enjoy this time of year because starting in late May -October it's pretty miserable. You just go from one AC to another.
  • CalCounter1003, it's the trees. They do bloom lots earlier here. Maples especially. And pines. Then oaks. Sniffle. I like the local honey idea--will have to try that.
  • It was just 3 degrees this morning when I woke up, but later, when I was lying on my bed doing leg exercises, I could hear a cardinal trilling in the trees outside my bedroom window. I'd call that bird an optimist, but my rational mind knows that it's the timing of daybreak that starts up bird songs, not the weather or the condition of habitat.

    Myself, I feel I've regressed, since my leg was exceptionally stiff this morning due to being physically bent backward as far as it would go by the physical therapist yesterday. Also in that session, I was going up and down a wooden staircase, alternating legs, trying not to look at my feet. My left ankle hurts and the muscles across the enormous screws embedded in the lower part of my leg also hurt. Just when I think I've gotten stronger at pedaling the recumbent bike, I am humbled by the simple movement involved in climbing stairs, and I realize how far I have to go.
  • Here in Denver we had a very mild January and early February. So of course, now that winter has finally returned with snow and cold for two weeks and more of same for the next ten days, I'm facing the challenge of wanting to overeat as well. Without my long bike rides with my sweetie, I am in maintenance mode but not losing my holiday weight very well. Dang!
    But it IS encouraging to know that Bill is maintaining even with Boston's Snow Armageddon, and that somehow Saef is holding her own even with her long physical recovery. Admiration and sympathy go out to everyone dealing with worse circumstances than me!
  • Two steps forward, one step back, Saef.... think how far you've come in the last month alone....

    I'm a little anxious today because I've arranged for a Chinese Author to come and do presentations-- talk about Chinese New Year, his books, etc. You never know what you get with authors-- some are great and engaging, others not so much. I have never paid for an author before-- big authors cost big bucks-- but local ones usually will come for free with an opportunity to sell their books. This author costs $300 and will offset his cost with book sales.... so I hope he is worth whatever we end up spending. The hard part is I have him set up in a building next to our campus as I will be using the library for back to back classes. So, it will be next to impossible for me to check in to see how things are going. At this point, I just hope he shows up on time and we can figure out how to set up the equipment he has requested.

    Super sore from body pump. Both calves are very sore, but one is way more sore than the other. Weird...

    My replacement fitbit arrived-- the other one wouldn't sync. So, hoping this one works.

    I'm wondering if there is a resale market for used fitness trackers? I have two jawbone 24 upbands that work perfectly.... hmmmm....
  • Michele~I'm willing to buy one of your Up24's. My regular UP died several months ago and I've never bothered to have Jawbone replace it. Since I'm getting the GoBe (eventually) I still want to see how the two compare.
  • Michelle - I have an Up24 that works fine, too. I was about to sell it on Amazon, until I saw it looked a little worn.

    Allison - updates still say should arrive by the end of March.

    Sharon - you know, I used to eat a spoon of local honey in yogurt every day for years and haven't done it in the last few months. This year I have sinus terrible again, and the last few years were better. I might have to buy some more honey.

    I hope you guys who are still under snow crazy are all safe. We got a little here today and there was much drama about closing schools. Supposed to be more tomorrow. The problem in Georgia is that we just don't have the infrastructure to deal with it, so a little spit of snow or ice shuts us all down.