Ortho-TriCycline vs. ?

  • Hey there girls. I’m a newbie to PCOS, recently diagnosed 2 weeks ago. My doctor (as I’m finding out is quite common) said "you have PCOS, here’s some BC pills, go get your blood drawn, see you in three months.". Lovely! So after I found out what PCOS was and did all the research, hired a PCOS Nutritionist, etc etc. I’m beginning to doubt her diagnosis of putting me on Ortho-Tricyclen. I did want to be on BC as the Husband and I aren’t near worrying about having children yet. I hear Yasmine is MUCH better option for PCOS'ers to take?

    Comments, thoughts? Suggestions?

  • I have read on other message boards and heard from other patients that tri-phasal pills are not good for PCOS, and that they can sometimes aggravate the symptoms of PCOS. They aren't supposed to do much for cyst supression. I haven't read this from any medical professional though!

    Dr Thatcher's book, PCOS: The Hidden Epidemic is supposed to go more into that. I've got the book, I'll look for it tonight.

    I understand how you feel though. There is SO much more to PCOS than birth control pills. You should have your blood work checked sooner than 3 months to see if you have problems with insulin resistance. Was your doctor a gynocologist or an endocrinologist? I would look for a PCOS specialist. Either a gyno or an endo. Can your nutritionist help you find another doctor?
  • Here is some info on the Tri pills from Shannon:
    (toward the bottom of the thread)
  • My gyne told me that tri-phasal bc pills are not good for PCOS. And on top of that I have PCOS related high blood pressure so I am forbidden from taking them. I know that a lot of other PCOS women are on Yasmin and it has been rumored to help with weight loss. I could not try it because of the high bp =( Also...if your doctor is not willing to help you then you should find someone else. I thought for about a year that something was not right about my doctor but that it was too hard to find a new doc. But he pushed me over the edge the 100th time he said "Just lose weight. You don't need glucophage unless you're trying to get pg". I e-mailed the Dallas chapter of PCO Support and found my doctor. And she has changed the world for me. Your health is worth it. And screw them if they don't understand that! =) Good luck!!!!!