Good Afternoon from snowy New England

  • I am trying to reach 140 lbs before my husband and I start trying for baby #2 later this year. I've been counting calories with My Fitness Pal since mid-October when I weighed it at 180- the same weight that I was at my wedding.
    I've added in exercise, particularly now that we bought a treadmill for Christmas (I'm so excited!). I use the C210K app from Zen labs, just to have something to challenge myself.
    But, even with calorie counting and exercising, I haven't lost any weight since early January and I am getting very discouraged. And it isn't that the scale isn't moving, but my measurements around my hips and waist aren't budging either.
    Another challenge is that I currently live with my in-laws and my mother-in-law brings home cookies, cakes and junk food all the time. Either that or she buys the ingredients and causally mentions to me that "Chocolate chip cookies would be nice," since I'm the baker in the family. It's a challenging environment and I need some extra encouragement outside of my husband and a few close girlfriends.
  • Thank you, VeggieMinded. Now that I've been counting and been aware of how much I'm eating for a while, I'm trying to change what I eat. I did South Beach before I was pregnant and between that and exercise, I lost 20 lbs. Now I still kind of eat like I am on South Beach (lots of fats, peanut butter, nuts, eggs, cheese) but I'm trying to transition over to eating more good carbs and buying fruits and veggies to munch on. I like eating fruits and veggies but they are nearly non-existent in my in-laws house. I already have kind of an aversion to high-sugar foods with a few exceptions, so that helps with all the pre-packaged junk coming in the door.