Harvard doc admits low fat, raise in carb biggest mistake ever

  • What I have been saying since, well I got profoundly healthy on high fat low carb. BTW I just gave blood this past weekend. My total non-fasting cholesterol was still in the 150s. A year and half ago near the beginning of saturated fat it was basically the same.

    But my ratios have gotten better. HDL up a lot from 20s to mid 40s, LDL barely up.

    Here is the article:


    From the article:

    "Now, it is clear that we did a major mistake in the late seventies of the last century in recommending carbohydrates increase to >40% of the total daily calories. This era should come to an end if we seriously want to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemics. Such move may also improve diabetes control and reduce risk of heart disease. Unfortunately, many healthcare providers and dietitian across the nation sill recommend high carbohydrates intake for patients with diabetes, a recommendation that may harm their patients than benefiting them."

    And "Before these recommendations and from the turn of the twentieth century, diabetes was predominantly defined as a carbohydrate intolerance disease and was mainly treated by reducing carbohydrates intake. Thus it was absurd that several medical societies, at that time, recommended increasing carbohydrates intake for patients with diabetes.