Popcorn and trans fat?

  • Hey everyone!

    So I went to frys and bought some 94% fat free popcorn, and it tastes amazing!! great alternative to the chips I'm always craving, but I just noticed it contains 0.5 g trans fat and I eat the entire bag and it comes out to 1.25g/bag and the daily max is around 2.0g.

    I have a family history of heart disease and bad cholesterol so I would rather not take the risk, but what do you think stop eating this popcorn and opt for a trans fat free one? I really like that I found a low cal alternative to snacking but I can't seem to find a trans fat free one that is low in calories! Any suggestions?

    Or any other snacks that you would recommend? I eat these snacks in class, so it can't be anything with dips/makes noise lol.

    Would love to hear your suggestions!
  • Hhm,

    Can't say I have a good popcorn alternative. Have you thought about dehydrated fruit? That's often pretty good and healthy- dehydrated bananas and prunes are the bomb!

  • I second the dried fruit. Prunes, figs, dates. Eat too much and you poop.

    Which keeps you in check.
  • Buy a microwave popcorn popper and use that. Or put popcorn kernels in a paper bag, sprinkle with water and fold it (some people staple it, a staple won't spark in the microwave).

    I make popcorn every once in a while but I bought a microwave popcorn popper and just use regular kernels.
  • You can definitely pop your own kernels, but if you're a chronic popcorn burner like me, this is my favorite
    Go Lite Popcorn
  • ^ I've never heard of Go Lite, but it seems to be very much the same as my favorite, Fit Popcorn (right down to the exact calories!). Which is readily available in my area and also contains no trans fats.

    However, I started making my own popcorn at home and I am hooked. I use a paper bag for now, throw the popcorn kernels in the bag with nothing on them, and then use some olive oil spray and salt after they are popped. Or I add hot sauce. BOOM. If you can't find any pre-made without transfat, I think it's worth it to just make your own.

    I had no idea trans fats were still so readily available.