Yeah, it's really only Tuesday, even though it SHOULD be Friday!

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  • Jayne - grrrrr - I went shopping on my lunch hour for pants (2nd job instituted a new dress code and I don't own appropriate clothing), tried on a dozen pair and none fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRR! Glad that you had better luck though!
  • Hey Girls
    I'm having a rotten day too
    A tummy trauma alll morning i swear if i spend any more time near the bowl I'll turn porcelain
    I feel like Laying around in old clothes today but have to go get gorgeous tonight b/c df's fire house is having national night out a big bonfire in the messy rain
    I want to build an ark
    and we are waiting to see if the lady who owns the house we want to look at will call
    This is going to sound strange, but with all the good stuff going on I'm battling depression big time
    maybe I'm just overwhelmed
  • I've decided not to be grumpy anymore today.

    I met a 9-year-old boy today who has a incurable, neurodegenerative disorder and unless a cure is found, he likely won't live through his teens. Yet despite the odds against him, he's the most adorable, energetic little boy and he just made me smile talking to him. He's the batboy for a local baseball team and the guys are all fiercely protective of him. He's being honored by them this Friday, so I'm writing a story. And suddenly, my petty little problems don't seem so big anymore.
  • Oh Kim I am so glad that you posted again. I was wondering how your day went with him. I have had a good day today. I didn;t want to post and sound mean being as I wasn't having a bad day.
    I ate to much cabbage and have to go potty now.
  • Kim - that's amazing that someone that young and with that kind of future is so upbeat. It always amazes me when I whine about how much I hate my job and my life, and then see someone who doesn't have all that much just taking in as much as they can get. It makes me try not to be as selfish and actually think about others...

    Jayne - sounds like an awesome shopping trip! Wish I could go shopping, but my store trip tonight will be for groceries. Then I need to start packing up again as I signed a lease on a new apt and will have a roommate - which will be much cheaper than what i'm currently doing...

    Kierie - hope you feel better tonight

    hi laura

    must work... but just a little, our systems are half down... but internet is still up!