New Gal Here

  • Hi all!

    My name is Laura and I'm a first-timer here at I'm in the midst of a lifelong struggle with my weight (well, adult life anyway), and I've finally decided that simple is best. I'm not doing any weight loss programs or diet plans, I'm simply making changes in the way I eat and the way I exercise and seeing where it takes me.

    I look forward to getting to know many people here and offering my support while getting some from all of you.

    My highest ever weight was 280 on my 30th birthday. Today I am 38 and weigh approximately 275 pounds. I had gotten as low as the 230s so I'm frustrated to say the least. Time to start making better choices!

  • I'm new too and weighed close to the same as you...I started a medically supervised diet called The Seratonin Plus Diet. My first weigh-in was Jan 8, 2015 and I weighed 261.00. I am down to 249 at my last weigh-in and have another weigh-in Jan 27.
    Welcome from one newbie to another!!!
  • Hello from another native MN (I live in NM now). Ah winter is the worst time to diet! I hated not being able to go outside to exercise! Although not all hope is lost...depending on what you want to do, there are so many home video programs that you can work out in your house at your convenience. If you want to join a gym, do some research about which gym is closer..price..etc. I would do some research on exercises and write them down, so when you go to the gym you are not looking around trying to figure out what to do.

    Food wise starts at the grocery store. I am a calorie counter, so I have a scale and I measure gets tedious BUT keeps me very accountable. I know how much I am eating, and minus my exercise calories. If you want to know more I can refer you to an article I posted a while ago going into details.

    So first step is to make a plan. Then start!