Night time eating - overeating - bingeing

  • It seems that I can very often eat healthfully all day. But in the evening I am finding it so very difficult to stay out of the food. I've planned for a healthy snack... but - I most often keep going.

    Do you have any techniques or ideas of how to stay away from overeating in the evening.

    This morning I thought of something someone said years ago. They said to put a chair near the kitchen door and/or fridge... as a visual cue to STOP.

  • I have carnation instant breakfast drinks (well a drink) at night if I find I'm craving stuff. I don't really deny myself food if I'm hungry. That being said, the breakfast drink with nonfat milk is about 220 calories (4pp for WW, which is my plan of action), and has a good bit of carbs. I find it filling, and after a while I actually stopped getting hungry around bedtime. Eating right before bed also didn't seem to have an effect on my weight loss.

    Everyone is different, finding something within plan that I could eat and feel full on worked for me, I know others that keep out of the kitchen entirely past a certain time. Experiment with some stuff and find what works for you
  • Raw broccoli. It to me is the most filling thing out there. Its hard to over-eat broccoli and your stomach feels like you have binge ate after eating it. I get that feeling that i'm so full i can't eat anymore after eating 100 calories worth. Plus its full of good things for you
  • I use the tactic sunarie mentioned - if I physically stay out of the kitchen in the evening, my chances of overeating are much, much less than if I have a reason to go in there.

    It takes a little discipline for me - I have to make myself do my kitchen chores right after dinner instead of putting them off until right before I go to bed. But it turns out to be worth it, because the simple act of not going in the kitchen makes it much, much easier to resist whatever is in there.
  • Thanks everyone for your ideas!
  • hi Beverlyjoy

    I have always had this same problem. I can have a perfect eating day and then lose it at night and overeat. I try to make a rule of not eating anything after dinner unless I am actually hungry (stomach growling hungry) but that is sometimes hard to follow. So I make a short list of snacks I can have after dinner. Rules are: they have to be 100 calories or less and I can only pick ONE thing... and they cannot be sugary. When I am stressed I will choose decaf coffee with 1 tbsp cream, or hot tea, or a cup of hot steamed milk with cinnamon and vanilla. When I am truly hungry I pick a few whole almonds, or a light string cheese, or a slice of avocado or lean meat.

    I am battling the same thing long term. I think the best thing that has ever cut my cravings is getting off sugar and gluten. After a week of lower carbs I am not nearly as hungry and don't get those overwhelming urges to eat at night.
  • Hi Lyn - you have some good strategies... thanks so much for sharing them.