Help- newbie can't get in ketosis

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  • Hi everyone! I joined IP on 12/18, and have been strictly sticking to my coach's plan (IP for breakfast within an hour of waking up, 2 hours later have a snack, within 2- 4 hours have IP lunch with veggies, within 2-4 hours have snack, then within 2-4 hours have dinner of 8oz protein and 2c veggies). I've lost just under 10 pounds (which I'm happy with, regardless) but my coach thinks I'm just detoxing rather than my body being in ketosis...... Does anyone have any suggestions???

  • It sounds like you are doing FABULOUS. Do you happen to know why your coach is saying that?

    Are your WIs including for % body fat, etc? Those numbers are notoriously unreliable. Besides, your body is just now getting established in ketosis to burn fat more efficiently than in month 1.

    I have no idea what "detoxing" means--seems to be a catch all term. Signs of ketosis that come to my mind are things like odd smell to urine, breath, sweat; cold or dry hands or feet, scalp tingling. You can google and find more and other posters will surely add some others.

    Urine dip sticks that test for ketones are out there--not 100% reliable--and many here advise against them. If you are following IP and losing weight, 99.999% chance you ARE in ketosis.
  • Just curious how your coach would determine that? And it's not likely that 3 weeks later you'd still be detoxing from carbs and such. Usually that has all passed within the first 3-5 days (the PHYSICAL aspect of coming down off of carbs/sugars...the MENTAL detox takes a lot longer!)

    Ketosis is the process your body kicks into when you don't have glycogen stores to burn for energy. The first 3-5 days of IP drains those glycogen stores, so unless you're eating extra carbs outside of the diet/cheating, then you are in ketosis. Ketostix will not tell you anything, they are only designed to show EXCESS proteins in urine, and in ketosis your body is not overflowing with ketones, it is using them up for energy.

    It sounds like you're following the plan correctly, and 10lbs in 3 weeks is great!
  • Thanks for your response! Yes we track everything and those numbers have been going down. Each meeting my coach will ask if I'm experiencing any signs of ketosis and I say no, it's nothing out of te ordinary, I always have cold hands and recently have felt my mouth is dry, but no other "common" signs like the odor, sweat, etc. who knows, I could be in ketosis and just not show any signs at long as the weight comes off I'm happy
  • mars735 has hit all points

    i would just like to add one more question for evaluation, what are you snacking on and are you getting your 3ed IP packet?
  • Yes scorbett, I have no idea where my coach pulled the detox card from lol. When I hear detox I think of headaches and such, but I don't have them, I truly feel fine and haven't noticed anything differently besides the weight coming off
  • Typically snack on the BBQ soy nuts or the BBQ crisps or Salt and Vinegar crisps..... I didn't buy any bars or wafers because they're too good to resist
  • Quote: I didn't buy any bars or wafers because they're too good to resist
    That was how I did it, too. To this day, I can't handle the bars, even the "meh" ones call out to me.
  • it seems you are following protocol. i would be willing to bet you have achieved ketosis. some people get no symptoms, just like some get no symptoms in the initial first days when others get headaches etc

    is your hunger in control, in other words are you feeling less hungry on a daily basis then you did in the first week? if so then there is at least one indicator you may have that you are in ketosis.
  • Quote: Thanks for your response! Yes we track everything and those numbers have been going down. Each meeting my coach will ask if I'm experiencing any signs of ketosis and I say no, it's nothing out of te ordinary, I always have cold hands and recently have felt my mouth is dry, but no other "common" signs like the odor, sweat, etc. who knows, I could be in ketosis and just not show any signs at long as the weight comes off I'm happy
    The two symptoms you report ARE ketosis symptoms. You don't have to have all of them to be in Ketosis. Remember, most coaches have very little training and most don't know what they're talking about beyond exactly what they've learned in their ip training (often from another poorly trained coach). There are a few good ones out there.
  • Yes hunger is def in control, I can tell a difference. Thanks everyone for your reassuring words! I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and was beginning to think my coach would say the diet won't work for me.
  • Quote: Hi everyone! I joined IP on 12/18, and have been strictly sticking to my coach's plan (IP for breakfast within an hour of waking up, 2 hours later have a snack, within 2- 4 hours have IP lunch with veggies, within 2-4 hours have snack, then within 2-4 hours have dinner of 8oz protein and 2c veggies). I've lost just under 10 pounds (which I'm happy with, regardless) but my coach thinks I'm just detoxing rather than my body being in ketosis...... Does anyone have any suggestions???

    If you've lost 10lbs you're in ketosis. You would've had to drop 35000 calories to lose that much if you were not, and I'm pretty sure you would be in starvation mode and your body withholding loss if you had managed to lose so many calories.

    Sounds like you got the goofy coach.

    The other thing that sits badly with me is the two snacks. Unless you are in the first week, diabetic or are at 250lbs or above you shouldn't be having five meals per day. The protocol is breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack (to be taken when most convenient for your pattern of hunger).
  • Yea I'm not any of those.... I've honestly been wondering about the snacks and if maybe 1 bag of crisps is too much at both times, so today I actually cut down to 1/2 bag of snack at both times to see if there's a difference. Thanks!
  • Hi, there, its awesome you lost 10 pounds in first three weeks!! Congratulations!!

    I too have the same problem. I started on 12/25 , its been two weeks and my coach said I am barely into ketosis, because i lost only 3 pounds first week and around 2 this week. I am not sure because we had early weigh in on tuesday....but that is awfully slow and she said there might something I am eating to keep me on light ketosis and not let me go to deep ketosis.

    I do 3 ip Meals a day, eggs or tofu at night, two cups of prescribed veggies at lunch and 2 at dinner...and a small bowl of salad in the afternoon snack. I do not use sweetners, i have stevia at home but not using it untill I see some weight going away. I am not cheating or eating anything I am not supposed to...the only thing I can think of is maybe , between IP meals and veggies I am still getting too much carb for my body..( have insulin resistance). So now I am trying to eat low carb IP foods and stick to very low carb veggies like spinach.AS I posted in other thread, I am going to stop tofu for a while and see.

    Don't know what else to do...I started with a lot of expectations and its a lot of restrictions and expense too....feel bad to not see results of 4-7 lb drop that other women get.Depressed.
  • BlueFish -- not sure what kind of numbers you're starting at, but my loss has been averaging 2 lbs/wk . . . which I think of as successful. Maybe just give IP a little more time. Good luck!