New Years Eve Beach Chat, Dec 31

  • Good Morning

    Share your plans for the day/eve!

    I'm busy packing/cleaning to head over the hill. Kirk has been thawing a beautiful organic turkey that we will cook today for our event at the church tonight. No champagne for us we will be at the pool first thing tomorrow morning. On my agenda this trip is to have a quick visit with Pearlrose, who beat me to Glenwood this week. Her family ski trip is at the small ski area right above us....just a short drive. I'm looking forward to a few days off. Yesterday was quite busy at work and the following week will be, too. I've got all my aprons washed so I don't have to do it when I get back.

    Well....that's the news in my neck of the woods!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning, Debbie. You HAD to mention turkey! I am sorely tempted to get one today to cook over the weekend. I do miss cooking Christmas dinner - the smell, rather than the actual meat.

    Been goofing off a lot since Christmas - did not even go for the mail yesterday but sat and sewed watching daytime TV. I can't believe Maury is still alive and that the people on his show are getting more and more crazy!

    I do have to get it together today with mail, banking and picking up my prescription renewals. I should also plan some proper meals as lately there have been too many "snacky" meals as I get rid of some party leftovers. I still have a largish bag of veggies left from the big catered platter. A major veggie soup is going to happen shortly.

    Time to get on with it although I really feel like going back to bed for a nap. I guess 6:30 a.m. is a bit early for an afternoon nap but ...! After all I do need to be rested up for Joanne's NY's Eve party tonight.

    Happy New Year's Eve!
  • I doubt there'll be any celebrating for me tonight. That cold virus that everybody in our house has had but me, finally won and conquered. I was in denial yesterday, but can't hide from it any longer. I just took a couple of Advil and had a piece of toast to settle my stomach, and I'm hoping I'll feel better in a bit.
  • Linda I hope you feel better

    Debbie and Pearlrose I am so excited you get to meet!!!! Have fun skiing

    Ruth have fun at the party tonight

    No partying here just work. Next year I am off, but truthfully I don't mind working. Especially since I get out at 7 pm. Mentally planned to work a double though. I have been absent from the boards because of work. Tomorrow I finally have a day off. Joe is making dinner tomorrow. Yeah I don't have to cook lol

    Maybe tomorrow I'll have time to read the posts from the week. I've missed you chicks!!!
  • Good morning.

    Hi, Jenne.

    Debbie and Rose - Have fun!

    Linda - Hope you feel better soon.

    Yesterday I read a book. I had forgotten how reading makes me want to snack. Funny how some activities just seem to have eating associated with them. Reading... watching TV...

    Our neighbor plays in a band and they are doing a benefit tonight at a local bar. We went last year and enjoyed ourselves, but I told DH I wanted to bow out since the party we went to last week really aggravated my cough. (I've had this since early November; am trying to knock it down now with asthma meds.) We already have tickets but since the money is for charity, I don't mind wasting them. Will enjoy watching some movies at home.

    Happy new year!!!
  • BWAH HAHAHAHA Ruth, Maury is really still alive?!?! Last time I saw, wasn't he giving out paternity tests? Well, ya gotta make money somehow, right? MMMmmmm, veggie soup sounds good.

    Debbie, I am jealous of your meet-up with Pearlrose! Let us know how the visit is.

    Cottage - so sorry you feel yucky. Hope you feel better quick.

    Jennifer - hope your work goes quickly so we can visit more .

    Karen - enjoy your movies tonight, sounds like a good NYE to me!

    You guys are so sweet and supportive, thank you - even though it has nothing to do with SBD! I guess I'm glad my appetite is suppressed (normally I'm a stress/boredom eater), and I've lost close to 10 lbs. How bizarre for me. The doc's PA yesterday said my increase in symptoms is probably post-op swelling, and I need to do less. I'm barely doing anything at all!

    I called my boss and told her that my 6 week surgical check up is Jan 20th, she said how 'bout we put you on the schedule Feb 2nd, and if you're back sooner, then great. She's also letting me go back 2 hours/day initially, then working up to FT probably in a couple of months. I am so appreciative of how flexible she is being for me, despite the fact the clinic is really losing money with me gone. I hope to make it up to her later!

    My new year's eve plans includes the television and happy drugs . I should be in lala land when the new year rings in!
  • Good morning! We currently have some sun this morning but are supposed to get snow later today and overnight. Luckily, I have no major NYE plans; mine are in the same ballpark as Tammy and Karen.

    Ruth, I have a turkey in the freezer and am currently debating whether or not to thaw it for tomorrow. Right now I am leaning no.

    Debbie and Pearlrose, have a great visit.

    Gabby, the name of the book was Firefly Lane.

    Jennifer, hope your work day is uneventful and you get to leave at 7.

    Time to refill my coffee and decide what is for breakfast.
  • Good morning!

    Debbie - have fun on your visit!
    Ruth - I’m surprised Maury is still around too! Those daytime talk shows are way too funny but I haven’t seen one in years.
    Linda - Oh, no…I hope you get to feeling better soon!
    Jennifer - Don’t work too hard! Yeah for no cooking duty!!
    Karen - I think staying home watching movies sounds like a great way to end a year!
    Tammy - Sending get better quick wishes to you!
    Beth - Thanks for the book title. I’ll add it to my Kindle app. I plan on doing a lot of reading on our vacation at the end of January.

    I’m not sure exactly what we are doing today since it’s still so frigid out there - it’s -11 with a wind chill of -24 right now. Our original plan was to go to a local restaurant that is having a charity function for our favorite charity.

    I have just a little bit more sewing to do for that restaurant I sew for so maybe I’ll get that done this afternoon. My motivation was sucked out by a phone call yesterday from the office manager there. The restaurant was recently sold and the previous owner told me that the new owners weren’t planning any changes but it appears they are and it will impact me significantly. They are planning to do away with the uniforms I make and go toward black slacks and denim shirts for everyone. The order I had been working on was cut way back. On one hand I’m really disappointed because I started with that restaurant as a hostess back in 1987 and then waited tables there until 2001 when I moved up North. I started making their uniforms in 1999 and I’m really attached to the whole history and tradition of the place. I feel like the uniforms are a big piece of what people expect there. However, it does take up a huge amount of my time to make those uniforms and to be honest when you’ve made as many as I have it gets quite boring doing the same thing over and over. Maybe now I can concentrate on some fun sewing and putting some items in that Etsy shop I’ve wanted to open. Change is so hard! At least we don’t need the money so it’s not like we are going to starve.

    Sorry about the downer up there…on to some more happy talk…I cooked a whole chicken in the crock pot last night and then stripped off all the meat. I put the bones back in with some extra water and let it simmer all night for some yummy chicken broth. The house smells amazing this morning! I’ll probably also whip up some gazpacho today so it’s ready to go tomorrow when the phase 1 adventure begins! I’m actually really excited to clear my body out of all these less than healthy indulgences. I’m not so sure my DH is feeling the same excitement.

    Happy New Year everyone and here’s to a new year full of goal reaching and growth in all those good ways!!

  • I thought I stopped in this morning but I guess not I did start the day with an hour long work call (I know!) then made a yummy breakfast for DH and I (scrambled eggs with vegetables, smoked salmon, and chevre). We are having a relaxing day and toasting early because he works tomorrow so the alarm goes off at 5:30.

    I need to get some steps in before party time so back to it
  • Good evening

    already for company at 7:30. I am sticking to 2 glasses of wine and mineral water after that. Tomorrow family dinner and then nothing till Feb 1 dhs birthday. Enjoy your new years eve.
    take care
  • Hope everyone has a great and safe one! Happy New Year!