IP 25 by Spring 2015 challenge

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  • Kelly:
    I keep prompting for people to follow the directions.
    You must be one of the people who didn't respond for my request for 3fc screen name. Check your emails/junk mail and find my request & reply.

    I suggest you remove your email address from your post to keep it safe from trolls and bots.

    I'm really trying to keep the info in one place so even people who PM me, I still ask them to go through the email request process.
  • As I expected based on home scale weigh ins - I am only down .2lbs this week.... having a bit of 'the IP Big C' the past couple of days despite plenty of water and all my supplements... tonite I will be having some Smooth Moves tea and I'll hoping it helps me past this slow down...

    Please note that I am not calling it a stall -- I was down some inches despite the small move on the scale, too. I know that this too will pass and I will get to the 170's before the end of this month!
  • oneuh2:
    mine is down the same. I expect a bigger loss next week. After -6 last week, I "get it". And I know it all eventually evens out for me to approx 1.5-2 lb average weekly loss.
  • Did someone change something? LOL. All of my values are at zero now. I don't want to touch it if I shouldn't.
  • Quote: Did someone change something? LOL. All of my values are at zero now. I don't want to touch it if I shouldn't.
    Try reloading the page, closing your browser and restarting it, or emptying your cache. I don't see zeros.
  • Quote: Try reloading the page, closing your browser and restarting it, or emptying your cache. I don't see zeros.
    Haha, weird. My computer has been acting funny with Google docs lately. I'll go back in when I get home to enter this week's number. Thanks for letting me know!
  • Down 1.2 this week, not as dramatic as last weeks 8 but I'll take it. I know as Lisa said above, it all evens out after the initial highs/lows. Its hard not to be a bit addicted to the big numbers/whooshes.

    Have a great 3rd week!!
  • Quote: oneuh2:
    mine is down the same. I expect a bigger loss next week. After -6 last week, I "get it". And I know it all eventually evens out for me to approx 1.5-2 lb average weekly loss.
    yes! I had been going along with an average of 2.5 per week for the first 6 months- now I think it is slowing down to a 1.5-2 lb average like yours, Lisa.

    I might lose a bit faster if I were to be exercising regularly - my ankle (injured close to Thanksgiving) has been slow to heal, but I got orders for Physical Therapy today so I will start working that ankle back into reasonable strength. Then I'll be able to get back to dance classes and some fitness sessions at the gym.

    Whether exercise accelerates my losses or not, it will help me tone up and perhaps improve the state of my somewhat loose skin.... and it will improve my general health and fitness! And I'll just continue on program and watch my shadow get smaller, a little bit at a time!
  • Lisa -- I submitted a request right after you opened the challenge and got your response, so all seemed well. However, I did not get to see my coach for the first time this year until past Monday (the 12th) and when I tried to access the link I was not allowed in. I have submitted a new request, as I would like to use the challenge to keep me focused -- even though I am late in formally starting.

    Thanks for doing this and for your patience!!
  • Nobody has been removed for not putting in WIs (yet).
    Some have inquired re: what to do if they don' t have a WI that week. I advised to just enter a zero.
  • Down another 2! If I continue the trend I had the last time I was on IP, I will probably not have a loss next week. I typically had 2 great weeks, 1 small week then minimal or no loss and repeat. At one point I had like 3 weeks of no loss and was beginning to be discouraged, but then I had to go on an emergency bra shopping trip! I was still losing inches in an area that wasn't being measured! I learned then to whole heartedly trust in the program!
  • Hgamroth
    Woo hoo!
  • Starting Weight Change
    I misread the directions originally and started with my original weight (January 1st). I had to change it to my previous WI weight (since I joined the challenge late) as per the directions. That gives me more to lose, but it is a challenge that I am willing to and excited to accept. Thanks again for spearheading this challenge Lisa. Let's all lose together!
  • Late joiners should enter current weight.
  • Hi Lisa, I just found this challenge but would love to join late. I just sent you my request to join. Thanks so much for moderating this! It will get me very near my goal, so I'm all in!