Living Healthy for 2015 = Commitment, Attitude, Diet, and Exercise (LH=CADE)

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  • Your Food .....

  • Down 1.2 lbs. Slow but steady for me....

    Corinna - wonderful!

    We can do this!

    B - oatmeal
    S - Banana
    L - soup and hard boiled egg
    S - apple
    D - meatloaf and veggies
  • Bad calories-600. no exercise. Note to self-If I want to get somewhere with this I need to keep the number in mind today and do better.

    Corinna- Wow, three pounds. Way to go! I like the poster BTW. So true.

    Renee3-Congrats to you also. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Corrina, I have heard some of the exercise comments before. I am different from most women, as my fat is around my middle, and I have thin hips, thighs and a small flattish, butt. Since I have heard that upper body fat is easier to get rid of than lower body fat, I am assuming my fat around the waist will go first. I sure hope my thighs and hips don't get even thinner! LOL

    Because of my diabetes, I will not exercise on an empty stomach since exercise lowers blood sugar. I'm afraid of having a low while exercising. I saw that happen to a woman at cardiac rehab. They always told us to make sure we ate before we came. My exercise time is usually between 12-3PM, and I eat a very light lunch before, unless I have had a late breakfast. I would not exercise after a heavy meal. I know that I will be burning the carbs from my meal instead of my body fat, but for me, the exercise is more about working my muscles and joints, increasing my lung capacity, strengthening my heart and lowering my blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and anything else that's too high.

    That doesn't mean that I don't think the information you posted is good, just that some of it doesn't apply in my case.

    I have been slacking lately, but now that the holiday is out of the way, I'm back on track.

    Many here are having good results!!!
  • Yeah Renee, good job with your weight loss. Keep at it lady!!

    Terapet-keep your focus. You can do it.

    Carol Sue-I am so glad that you share with others how things work with you! It's true, we are all different, and that is why it is good to have a mix of people here to share how they work at a healthy lifestyle. One way does not work for every person. Thanks for sharing. I hope you will be posting some good results next weekend.
  • Happiness....Positive Life.... Fun Ideas for Snacks
    Just a few things I wanted to share....

  • Corinna - love the quotes. Thank you!

    Together we can do this!

    Worked outside most of yesterday. Spring has finally come to PA!

    B - oatmeal
    L - soup and hardboiled egg
    S - apple
    D - fish, rice and veggies

    Enjoy your day everyone!
  • Morning run with dog,
    B-seed roll with cheese
    D-Veggie Pizza, 2 slices
    Evening walk with dog

    Renee-glad to hear you finally have some nice weather and are enjoying it!
  • Control Hunger and Cravings
    Pectin, the soluable fiber naturally found in apple cider vinegar can help you to feel satisfied after a meal and reduce the urge to snack. Try eating a small piece of bread sprinkled with one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar or add it to a salad in order to control hunger. Drink a glass of water with 1 – 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar minutes before a meal to improve digestion and help you feel fuller faster.

    Personally, I don't like the smell or taste of it, but perhaps others do, so I thought I would share this. Maybe that's how it works, it makes me want to puke.

    Here with some more on Apple Cider Vinegar:

    12 Eye-Opening Reasons Apple Cider Vinegar Should Be In Every Home
  • Personally, I don't like the smell or taste of it, but perhaps others do, so I thought I would share this. Maybe that's how it works, it makes me want to puke.

    That was too funny

    Finishing up house cleaning and starting to get the garden going. Also getting ready for my first horse show......

    B - oatmeal
    S - banana
    L - fish and hardboiled egg
    S - apple
    D - ziti and veggies
  • bad calories-330, ex-step class at the Y. I am happy with that. My average calories for the month are trending downward and the cravings are lessening. I've got my finger crossed it will make a difference on the scale soon.
  • Good job Terapet at keeping those bad calories down.

    Morning walk with dog.
    B-2 eggs, 2 veggie slices, 2 slices pumpkin bread
    D-2 Veggie pizza slices, brown rice chips.
    Evening walk with dog.
  • 3 Ways to Reduce Sugar Cravings
    When you’re trying to cut back on sugar, the discomfort that ensues can be incredibly difficult to withstand. One of the more frustrating aspects of sugar withdrawal is the constant, persistent cravings that keep nagging at you. Is there anything you can do to minimize these cravings, or do you just have to deal with them until they go away?

    Unfortunately there aren’t any “magic pills” that will make sugar cravings vanish instantly, but there ARE things you can do to help make them easier to bear. Below you’ll find three good ways to help reduce cravings for sugar:

    #1 - Eat more often
    The longer you go without eating, the more your blood sugar levels are going to drop. If they drop down too low, your body is going to send a signal that it needs more fuel - and this signal will likely be a craving for something sweet. You can avoid this problem by eating every 2-3 hours to help keep your blood sugar levels balanced. However, be sure not to eat foods that are likely to trigger more sugar cravings, like white bread, pasta, potatoes, and of course, anything containing added sugar. Instead, eating lean protein, healthy fat from avocados, olive oil and nuts, and complex carbohydrates from whole grains and green leafy vegetables will provide fuel for your body without elevating your blood sugar levels. Fruit is also a good choice, but only if it’s low on the glycemic scale - meaning it won’t create a large spike in your blood sugar. Good choices include: strawberries, cherries, grapefruit, pears, peaches, cantaloupe, grapes, plums and prunes.

    #2 - Stay hydrated
    Sometimes when you think you are craving sugar, your body is really calling out for ... water! That’s right - being dehydrated can create all kinds of random cravings that you may have trouble identifying. More importantly, one of the symptoms of dehydration is fatigue, and many people have gotten into the habit of reaching for sugar and/or caffeine for energy. If you have the same habit, drinking plenty of water can give you more energy so you will be less tempted to reach for sugary foods and beverages.

    #3 - Prevent emotional lows
    Believe it or not, cravings for sugar are not always physical in nature; sometimes they can be triggered by your emotions. You probably know that sugar is a mood-altering substance, and you may be in the habit of eating something sweet when you feel sad, depressed, angry or bored. Prepare ahead of time for this possibility, and do what you can to keep your emotions balanced and calm. Spend time each day meditating, deep breathing, and doing things you enjoy. This will keep you feeling good so you are less likely to need any mood-altering substances.bbFinally, keep in mind that cutting back your sugar intake gets much easier in time. The first few days are the hardest, but after a week or two you’ll notice that you just don’t seem to want sugar as much as you used to.
  • Corinna - I don't know how you make it thru the day without any snacks. I get so hungry between meals...

    Terapet - you are doing great!

    B - oatmeal
    S - banana
    L - fish sandwich and hardboiled egg
    S - apple and grapes
    D - chicken and veggies
  • Bad calories-230, Ex-Body Sculpt class at the Y. I am good with that.

    Thanks for the encouragement girls. Too bad the scale is not showing progress but I believe it will if I persevere. I can always console myself with the thought of all the pounds I have not to put on lately.