Staying out of the kitchen

  • One of the things that makes me fall - my wife makes some kind of yummy goodness and it's sitting out on the counter in the kitchen. I get home and step into the booby trap when I see it. One taste turns into a portion, then several, then what other decadent delights are in the refrigerator?

    For me, it's fine if she makes all this, but I can't see them. If they have to be out, like when company is over, I just have to stay out of the kitchen, even if it means sending someone else in to fetch something for me. I mean, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
  • No doubt that seeing certain foods can make you crave them. Hello advertising!

    Smelling them is even worse for me. I used to regularly run past a local store that vented its bakery smells to the morning air. I'd be running with drool filling my mouth, even when I wasn't hungry.

    I've noticed that, over time, I've become somewhat desensitized to various things that used to have a really big draw for me -- as long as I don't eat them, even a little bit of them. This has been a bit of a relief, and I hope as more time goes by I'll notice those things even less (I'm looking at you, Fritos, I'm always looking at YOU.)
  • My daughter and I have a cabinet that's off by itself, away from the rest of the food, that's dedicated to snacks and treats. Everything goes on the top shelf, and as I'm a shortie, it equals out of sight, reach, and mind.
  • I hear ya. Do whatcha gotta do! Yesterday I was at my parents and my mom and I baked cookies for Christmas. I managed not to eat any but this morning the pan was sitting there with lots of crumbs and stuck on stuff in it and I scraped it clean! Probably not so bad calorie wise but I was not the master of my mouth.
  • Quote: My daughter and I have a cabinet that's off by itself, away from the rest of the food, that's dedicated to snacks and treats. Everything goes on the top shelf, and as I'm a shortie, it equals out of sight, reach, and mind.
    It's funny how the mind works, isn't it? For me as long as the food is put away - or even just covered, I find the temptation to be far less. But sweets sitting uncovered out on the counter - that's my downfall.
  • That's what we call Environment Control!

    "My" food is in it's own cabinet, anything that's there I can have and still be 100% on plan. I said "My" but my husband could have it too if he wanted, I just meant my plan food.

    It sounds silly but if I don't see other foods, I don't want them.

    Remember when Emeril would talk about "smellivision" wishing we could smell his food through the tv? Ok, I might be dating myself but I'm so glad we don't have that invention yet. I'd be doomed smelling anything baking, esp. bread!

    (did someone say Fritos? )