I'm Back!

  • Ha! Here I am, back again! I haven't visited this site in YEARS. I've since had two babies (in two years!) and gained a crap load of weight. I've been changin' my ways though, since the last baby was born, and I'm officially down 25 lbs. from October! I still have 70 more to lose though, so I can't get too excited yet...

    Hello everyone!
  • Quote: Ha! Here I am, back again! I haven't visited this site in YEARS. I've since had two babies (in two years!) and gained a crap load of weight. I've been changin' my ways though, since the last baby was born, and I'm officially down 25 lbs. from October! I still have 70 more to lose though, so I can't get too excited yet...

    Hello everyone!

    Danielle2842 - Welcome back, and congrats on those two babies!!!! And on the 25 lbs lost already, a great start.
  • Hello..Welcome back!!Great job on your progress so far!! Good luck with your continue efforts!!
  • Welcome back! Congrats on the pounds lost so far!