Stay at home Mom's #78

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  • Hello all.
    I have been awol for a few days. Seems I got behind in the posts. I did my WI this morning, and had lost 4 lbs. Today we finally got a break in the rain around here. Thank goodness. Took both DSs to the park. youngest fell off the swing and hit his head. Oh, well, it was bound to happen. No injuries have happened around here in a while.
    I have started stair climbing. I went outside one day, and though, hey I have all these stairs, why not use them? So i did, and now I am soooooooooooo sore. I also decided to try the atkins diet again. It lasted about one day. I can't help it, I like my carbs, although, they have been a lot less lately.
    I noticed in a post that you guys mentioned the MOMS club. I am vice president of my local chapter. There is a website for them to check if there is a chapter near you. If you don't see your town listed, just email them and someone can tell you where the nearsest one is. Once I find out what the web site is I will let you know. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. I will check back in later.
  • Ricci, good for you to use those stairs! And congrats on the 4# loss! I wouldn't worry about doing the atkins diet since you are obviously doing really well on your other plan. I'm with you about those carbs, I just need them. I am a bread and pasta person. And I have done atkins and got great results but it turned me off meat even more.
    Karen, when Dh would make tacos while I was low-carbing I would make my own by wrapping my meat, cheese, and such inside a big leaf of lettuce and rolling it up. It tasted great that way and made me feel like I still was eating a taco too! How are you feeling? Days two and three were always hard on my body on atkins while I was going into ketosis. I would feel extremely tired and irritable. I hope you are feeling well.
    Ok, well.. I think I did ok today. I planned to have a lean cuisine for dinner but DH ended up making chicken and such so I had a small plate of that. I had to really stop myself from eating more.. it was very good and for some reason I feel so ravenous today. I still didn't get a walk in... Dh's big test is tomorrow and he wanted to study all evening so I couldn't get out. But since the test is over tomorrow he is going to let me out or else!! lol
    Well, I guess I need to go to bed. Talk to you all tomorrow! G'nite.
  • Hey gang, just a quick note here, as I need to get out and vac the pool so the kids can swim. Then I can lounge.... I worked last night and have to go in again tonight.

    Ricci, glad you checked in and are doing well. I could never do Atkins... too mucch that I love and can't have. But I wish you success!!!

    Spryng, I hope you are able to get out! It is so hard being cooped up with 3 little ones, no matter how sweet and cute they are. You need to take care of yourself, too. When you mentioned feeling ravenous, it made me wonder if you are breastfeeding. If so, that may be why you're so hungry. Remember, you need extra calories to produce that milk, and you will still lose the weight. But, I know you know how to take care of yourself. Hope Tanner had another good night for his Mommy.

    ok, I'm off........ I will probably be a vegetable by tomorrow morning afetr 2 in a row, so I may not get to check in....... have a good one, guys.
  • Good afternoon all!!
    Jen, no I am not breastfeeding, but I did start TOM today so that must be why I was feeling so hungry yesterday. I'm actually glad I started becuase now I can get my IUD inserted tomorrow. Never thought I would be happy about a period and bc, but I don't want to have to worry about it anymore.
    Well my DH passed all four tests with 100%'s!! I am so rpoud of him. Didn't even ,miss one question. Now he has his CDL class A permit. At the end of the course he'll get his official license. But I'm glad that that is all over with and now I can get my walks in while he watches the kids.
    I am doing ok today. Really trying to get my water in. I had a healthy choice meal for lunch. I am really addicted to their fish filet one. Tastes so good. I don't know why I am craving fish so much lately. And not fried fish... baked. Mmmm...
    What is everyong planning for dinner? I'm making stuffed bell peppers. It's one of my favorite meals and my kids love it to. My DH doesn't so I'm making him a pan of meatloaf instead.
    Ginny how did dinner go yesterday at your MIL?
    Well I hope to hear from everyone soon. Have a great day all!
  • Hi!
    Sorry for not getting on earlier, I am sort of taking today off a bit.......did not get up for a walk and am staying low key to get the bills done.

    Jen- hang in there, veggie woman. Hope that your 2nd day of work does not take too much out of you! Get some rest when you can, you hard working lady.
    Speaking of that.....we are all hard working! Motherhood is the ONLY job that never ends- we are on even when asleep. Big hugs to all of you.

    Spryng- I hope that you can get those walking shoes on today! Good luck to Dh on his test- is this the written or road portion? For me here in NY- there was a written test first- then I was able to train with a permit then the road test. Truckers took all the same tests, basically. Good for you eating well!!!

    Ricci- good luck with Atkins. Several I know (Spryng being one of them ) have found it good in the past. GOod for you getting a workout in~ and congrats on losing 4#!!! That is awesome! How is Ds's head?

    Karen- don't overdo it, OK?? You still sore? Take it easy so that you have no setbacks! My house is 1950 sq ft- one of those glorious raised ranches. And it is always under constant renovation. How do you do all your crocheting without a craft room????? (I should talk, my sewing machine lives on the dining room table ). Anyway, I did not want anyone to think I was living in palatial splendor here.....but it is home!

    Melissa- How did the Dr visit go?

    Well, I'd better go. I promised to take Dd for a walk to see some of the historical homes in the village (we have several that are owned by the historical society that are from the Revolutionary war era.....and yes, George Washington did sleep here!) One thing I dislike about this I would love to meet each of you and be able to visit from time to time. Dream on, Ginny!
    Have a great day.
  • Hi!
    It has been a quiet afternoon here, where is everyone! Probably out having fun (or I hope that you are).
    I did get to walk with Dd, but all the historical homes(which are supposed to be open Thursday afternoons) were closed. We will have to try again next week- both of us were disappointed. The one is the oldest structure in town, constructed in 1746.
    My eating today has been a bit off- I sort of deliberately allowed myself to be less intense with the WW thing. I needed a day off- but it is back in the saddle tomorrow! (not that I have been eating like a pig, I have not, I just am not journalling or getting really hung up. Actually, my food choices have been pretty good and I have not pigged out.
    Well, Dd is up in the tub and wants me for something. Have a great nite!
  • Oh girls I'm barely keeping my head above water here. It's been such a rough few weeks and I am staying so exausted. I didn't rest much at all last night. The baby is becoming really active and I've been so uncomfortable. Dh and I have to sleep in seperate beds now. I moved out to the guest room. He was so sweet about it but he just couldn't rest with me getting up and down all night and turning on my light all hours to read. It's strange sleeping alone. But anyhow. I'm glad to see gemini hanging around I wondered bout ya hon. Oh I was wondering what bc you were gonna use Spryng. My cousin used the iud for a few years but she didn't care for it. I'm having things sewed up after Baylend gets here. NO MORE BABIES ARE COMING OUT OF ME... EVER! :LOL: The one's I have are precious to me but I won't be doing this again. I'm up to 161# now btw. And the last ulta sound said he was already 2# and above the sive of the average baby! I love a big healthy baby but I'm getting alittle scared. My dh was a whopper and I'm praying this lil feller will be around the size of his sisters. Ginny the historical neighborhood sounds great. Wouldn't it be great if we all were closer. We'd be the SAHM's mob walking. I've imagined what it would be like to sit and have tea with you all. Well like you said... dream on But I'm glad you are doing well too.
    HI! everyone else!!! sorry I didn't get to address you all. I'm getting pulled off here Dh needs me in the barn so ya all have a great OP day!!
  • Good morning!!! (actually afternoon).
    Ok, wanna hear my big brain dead mother faux pax of the day???
    I just called the mother of the girl who is having a birthday party tonight (Dd 7 was invited to) only to find out that..........the party WAS Tuesday night!!!! Am I a moron or what?!
    Honestly it all worked out- Dd is a homebody and was already getting cold feet about going and had begged me to stay for the entire party. So I apologized to the mother......and life goes on.
    Someone please buy me a brain.

    Michele- I'm glad that you checked in! I was wondering how you were handling the baby and farm- last year was tough for you.
    Hang in there....and as rough as it might be, try to enjoy this pregnancy- as it is most likely your last. It is so easy for us moms to get overwhelmed and feel as though we have to do it all or we are failures. You are doing fine- and if for a while you need some help with housework or the girls this is only temporary. As far as your weight goes- let me help you put it in perspective (with my warped sense of humor, as usual). As I remember, we are the same height (I'm 5'4" 1/2) or close. You weigh 10# more than me right now- and you have the best reason in the world to weigh more! Eat well (healthy, I mean) lots of veggies and fruits.
    And, please drink lots of water-being in the south it sure can get hot!!!!! (sorry for sounding like a mother........ ) Are you reading anything good?

    Well, I got a 35 minute walk in and then after Dh left for work a mile and a half with Leslie Sansone. So far my eating has been good- after yesterday I knew that I have to focus today and journal again. So, I'm back on track.
    Gotta go pick up Ds from the last day of bball camp (and watch his last game). Miss all you lurkers out there who have not had the time to post! Have a great day.
  • Michele, how's this for perspective.... if you are 5'4", like me and Ginny, then you weigh about 15lbs LESS than me!!!!! Unfortunately, there is no baby rolling around in this gut.

    Can't stay... I am taking the kids to the movies this afternoon.. gives them something to do that requires very little energy from me. I will check in later, I promise. Hope everyone is well.
  • Back from the movies....... we saw Spy Kids 3D... I have to say, I thought it was GREAT!!! I really enjoyed it!!

    Looks like it's been slow here... no problem, I can finally stay caught up!

    Speaking of slow, I wonder how Melissa is doing. Maybe no word means baby has arrived> I will keep my fingers crossed!

    Spryng, I considered usinbg an IUD after 2nd child was born. I had a lot of complications with that pregnancy that were 95% likely to repeat with another pregnancy. We were pretty sure we didn't want any more kids, but didn't want to do anything permanant since I was only 25 years old. As it turned out, we did nothing and 3rd child was born 3 years later! I had my tubes tied during my last c-section.

    Ginny, I cracked up at your story about the b'day party, since it's exactly something I would do. I am famous for being late to get my kids to parties because I am stuck in a long line at Wal-MArt to buy the gift along the way!

    Well, youngest ds is snoozing on the couch... the movie pooped him out. I am hoping the older 2 can get along for a little while so I can lie on the other couch and doze til it's time to make dinner. I am wiped out from working the past 2 nights........ I just figured out that in the last 48hours, I have slept 9 hours, and none of it was really good sleep, and only 2 or 3 hour snatches at a time. Honestly, I don't know how I'm not falling off my chair. Obviously, I have not gotten any exercise in. But I don't think my eating has been too bad. Yesterday, I only ate a 3 homemade chicken nuggets and 3 ears of fresh corn, no butter or salt. I made a wonderful summer squash soup which I brought to work and had along with a small slice of focaccia bread, some fruit, and a yogurt bar (that was overnite last night). Today, I hadn't had anything until we went to the movies where I ate just a very little bit of popcorn, and just now the last 2 leftover chick. nuggets. Dinner will be very simple, probably some leftover soup and the last few ears of corn. It's hard to figure it out, though. The nights I work, I eat normally during that day, then I go to work and have a meal during the night, when most normal people are sleeping and don't eat. So, it gives me and extra meal and calories for that 24 hour period. But then, the next day, I don't eat for almost the entire day, with the exception of a very light dinner. If it's a weekday and I can't sleep because I have the kids, then I am just too tired to eat. If it's a weekend and I can sleep because dh is home, then I just sleep the day away and don't eat. It seems like it would all even out, doesn't it? Maybe I should try keeping a log for a week so I can really tell.

    Anyway, I have been long-winded enough. We are taking the kids to Six Flags tomorrow, so all that walking will be my exercise for the day. I have to work Sunday night, so the day will just be spent quietly around the house.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Hi ladies,

    Sorry I didn't get around to checking in yesterday, after my DR. appt. I'm still hanging around, as for Myra's date of arrival, who know's? My DR. doesn't want to reschedule the C-section, she said I can get off of my meds on Sunday and no more bed rest either. And if I start contracting again, she'll go ahead and do the section(after 37 weeks-which means any time after Sunday). So I now have to wait and see if the contractions will get regulated again, if not it'll be 8/25/03 which is my 39 week mark. So it could be 2 days or 2 weeks!?! But anyway, the baby is growing big and doing fine, and I have ANOTHER bladder infection, so we're treating that but other wise I'm great, just really, really ready to meet my baby!

    Sorry I can't address everyone now, but I'm here and will be getting back in the swing of things soon! Take care!!!
  • Hi!
    Jen- glad that the movie was so good- I saw the other 2 spy kids movies and loved them. Now why does it take Hollywood so long to make decent kids movies??? I think the answer for you is to journal/log what you eat. WW relies heavily on that- and for someone with a schedule like yours, you might want to go by a 2 day calorie system (or points if you were on WW). That way you'd be able to accomodate the long days.....I don't know how you do it!! How many days a week do you work usually? Have a great time at Six Flags!!! Oh, and BTW- I have brought scissors and tape in the car (or bought them too at Wal Mart!!!!) to wrap the gift in the car..... Guess we have a lot in common.

    Melissa- I think you need to sit Myra down and have a little chat...(not that she has much choice in listening or not!). All the havoc this pregnancy is putting your body through! Oh, I feel awful for you another bladder infection! Sure sounds hormone related....and 2 weeks from now that will no longer be an issue.
    Glad to hear that Myra is growing nicely... and that she will be in your arms soon! Try to rest up and feel better!

    Well, so far I am doing ok with my eating. I am trying to get used to the reduced points that I will face in a week or so.....when I break 150# (presently 151.2). Below 150 I get less points per day . I'd love to break the 150 barrier next WI day- but who knows?? My Ds and her family are coming east (from Ohio) tomorrow, so eating will be tough. I know, I just have to stay focused and eat lots of diet jello!!!! Usually, Dm or Ds start pushing all kinds of foods....... and most of the time I can stay ok.
    We will probably see them Tuesday and a few days during the rest of the week. (I am not all that close with Ds, so expect some interesting posts next week! )

    Ds's bball team won the championship game- he scored the winning basket! I am so happy for him- he is not the best player in the world- and with all the accolades that his older sister gets with softball, well she is a tough act to follow.
    Well, the chief blabber puss here had better go put the finishing touches on cleaning the kitchen after dinner and maybe get some sewing done. I got the bodice pinned to the skirt last nite, all it needs is to be stitched and then onto the zipper.......Have a great nite and weekend!!!
  • Oh my Gosh ladies, I've only been gone a week and there are 3 pgs. of posts. You guys are so awesome. I've spot read them and there's no way I can respond to them all. Please know that I thought of you all throughout the week and missed knowing what was going on in your lives. My VBS went totally awesome. The kids had a real blast and learned some very good messages. We hire councellors from a Christian summer camp to lead the week. They are all talented musically and at acting, there young and atractive, and true believers. So, in my opinion one of the best messages our kids get is that you can folow Jesus and still be "cool". I was so pleased, my in laws and my mother all went to the pot luck and program last night. The food was soooo good. I managed to exercise almost every day and avoided overdoing the sweets so I had not gained when I WI today. Yippee. Have a grea tweekend all.


    WM 9 / BM 5 / 1 hr. VIDS 2
  • ew gosh girls I got here to post and the morning (allday) sickness hit me again thanks for all the good advice and trying to lift my spirits about the weght gain girls you all are the best! I'm off tho to soak in a cool bath. nighters
  • Good afternoon all!
    Finally I got a day to sleep in!! Thank God for weekends and who ever said school is out on saturday and sunday! Sorry I haven't posted like usual. Thursday night I got my hair cut. I feel so much better now. It was way past my bra line in the back and I constantly had to put it up to stay cool and keep it tamed, lol. Now it is only one ince below my shoulders with lots of layers. I really like it and so does DH. Then of course Friday was my doctor appointment. My dh's cousin took all the kids except Tanner, so that was really nice of her. Me and my SIL went together. It was kinda a girls day out...besides having Tanner and getting an IUD put in. lol. Well once I was called back into an exam room I got nervous. The nurse opened this HUGE box with lots of big metal utinsels and laid them out for my midwife... I had to sign a consent form and all that... I asked if all those utinsels would be used on me and she smiled and said yes... but it wasn't as bad as it looked. I prayed she was right. But finally my midwife came in and set everything up and talked in length to me about Mirena. Then she put it in. It hurt a little as it passed through the cervix but after that I was just fine. In fact she said alot of women will cramp the rest of the day afterwards but I didn't. I don't feel anything in there and I am so happy that I chose an IUD and had the guts to go through with it being put in. Now I know I am protected for 5 years!
    Ok, I'm sure you really didn't want to hear all that.
    Ginny, I had no idea you were 151 lbs!! That is awesome! You weigh less than me and I am 5'4" too!! I'm kinda jealous!! JK, no you deserve it... you have worked so hard to get there. So what is your goal weight?
    Mel, your baby will be here before you know it. Once you are taken off bedrest and meds I'm sure your little one will want out again! lol But if not, Aug 25 is soooo close!! Healthy is all that matters. I know I have no room to say any of that because I tried so hard to get Tanner to come out way before his due date... but I'm happy he didn't come until when he did. He would have been too small. He was barely 7 lbs at a day overdue... he would have been too tiny at 36 or 37 weeks so I think there was a reason my body was hanging on to him so hard.
    Ok, well I need to get my day started. Talk to you all later!