Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - November 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Resisting binge urges all night tonight. Making my healthy dinner of baked tuna fillet, roasted broccoli with garlic, and roasted cinnamon delicata squash. I WILL do this!
  • Finishing the day at 1245 calories.

    Ian, I'm glad the toe is feeling better. Good luck organizing the work party!

    Gigembritt, good job resisting the binge! You're on a roll and doing great!

    Treatyoself, sending you strength to resist the cravings. Your dinner sounds delicious!

    Finch, sending you some too. I also have to have super low calories to lose and it STINKS!
  • Flower it's actually not that bad for this time of year, although I miss the double digit highs we had just a few weeks ago.

    I fell today. Now everything hurts. Weight is this same, but it's TOM.

    Today was a fast day, so just a chicken breast and a bag of broccoli.
  • Congrats gigembritt

    Treatyoself your healthy dinner sounds awesome.

    Diana I often feel like I'm riding that vicious cycle


    Ian I made 35 minutes today jogging! Glad to hear toe's feeling better, i was thinking of you while jogging today, a comment you made about running differently now that you've lost so much, I was wondering if when I try to increase my speed someday, if I will run more on the balls of my feet, what made your style change, or did it just happen?

    W-166.0 today
    Only coffee for breakfast
    L- 5 bean salad, olives, smoked oysters
    S- tuna salad I made for DH, I guess I could call it late breakfast...
    D- leftover pierogies
    S- bourbon and diet sprite
    E- garden all morning, jog in the afternoon, stacked some wood DH was splitting

    RadioJane sorry to hear about your fall, I'm not the most graceful, so am often hurting from something, I love broccoli, great for a fast day! Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Coolmom I checked out your ravelry, impressive!

    Best to all and stay warm
  • Hi Everyone!

    Flower How are you doing?

    CoolMom How is your Mom feeling with the pneumonia.

    Gigembritt Congrats with getting a handle on things.

    Novangel Do you have any excursions or plans while you are there? Of course relaxation is wonderful, too.

    Sending some your way. You have a healthy meal planned.

    Finch Today is a new day. I hope it was a better one for you. Stress can easily derail me, too.

    Ian I'm glad your toe is improving. When will you hear about your gout test? Sounds like you have a wonderful lunch planned. Do your coworkers enjoy seafood, too?

    Radiojane I'm sorry about the fall. I hope you feel better quickly. I usually have major wipe outs! I half kill myself when I fall and it takes months to feel better. Thank God that hasn't happened recently.

    Kelijpa Good job on the run! I think this time of year is particularly difficult because events coming up back to back. If we can just get some time, it might work out better.

    Waving Hi all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Total Approx 1400 calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Mediterranean Blend Veggies or Zucchini w/Tri Pepper Blend
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (400 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham 50 Calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 50 calories
    Greek Yogurt 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (600 Calories)
    Grilled chicken tenderloins 300 calories
    2 orders green beans 200 calories
    carrots 100 calories

    Cardio Sculpt Express w/8's, 5's, and tubing
    TJ 20 Minute Workout
  • Kelijpa, thanks! I hope you like Ravelry. It has really been a great resource for finding patterns and figuring out what to do with my stashes of yarn. Are you working on anything? I was pretty far into a sweater and had to admit I've lost too much weight to continue at that size. Yay...but frustrating about the hours of knitting I've put into it. I decided to start a hat.

    Diana, I think my mom is feeling much better. In fact, she brought me chicken noodle soup today because of my own sickness. I just ran out of my soup yesterday so it was perfect! Good job on sticking with your usual calories. You are rock steady.

    Radiojane, I'm sorry about the fall. I hope you feel better quickly!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Last night I added on: Slim and Limber and a few extra back exercises on my own

    Calories for yesterday: 1400 +
    Weigh In: 164.4
    No Change

    This is day 4 at this weight. I am still holding onto a lot a water from the edema. It is very obvious it's water, so hopefully it will all calm down soon. At least it's not a gain.

    Have a great day!
  • Diana, no excursions planned at the moment. Things are expensive enough. We're flying US Airways which has since merged with AA and now the the airline will charge $25 for all checked bags, before you get the 1st free. They charge for food and drinks, the resort charges for wifi...little things that keep adding up on top of what we're already paying which is a fortune. Of course as of Dec 1st wifi will be made available for free when we will be coming back home on Nov 28th.

    I ran 5k last night at the indoor track. Gonna try to slip away again tonight before my BF has to leave for band practice. Maybe get in 2 miles or something. Anything at this point because my midsection looks terrible. *sigh

    Did I mention I have stress? What else is new, right?
  • Good morning!!!

    Breakfast- 5:45
    Chocolate breakfast shake with 1tbs chia seeds....
    Organic Aloe Water

    Snack- 9:45
    1/4 protein bar

    Lunch- 12:00
    Venison steak with gravy and quinoa
    Yogurt with 1tsp chia
    1 serving of veggie sticks.
  • Down 2.2 lbs today to 175lbs.

    Breakfast was mackeral, smoked oysters and oats.

    Lunch will be smoked salmon, a crab cake, squid, smoked oysters and cod liver.

    For exercise, I did 50 minutes weight training before work and will do 50 minutes cicruit training before lunch (my attempt at cross-training as I am trying not to run).

    kelijpa, regarding running on your balls of your feet you will notice this happen as you start to run more confidently and faster. I noticed it about 18 months after I started running when I give my runs some oomph I can go quicker if I am on the balls of my feet. So I tend to run a combination of flat foot running and then up on the balls of my feet for fast bits. It does mean you need different shoes though. I run in sturdy shoes for heavy set runners which are not good for ball-of-feet running, so I will try to transition to a lighter shoes once my toe is better.

    Diana, I should have the test results a week on Monday. Fingers crossed it is not gout. Regarding my colleagues, most like seafood. If I am preparing the food, they don't get much choice! The difference is that I eat fish/seafood every day whereas most Americans do not. Americans also have a strange aversion to canned seafood. This I find very strange as it is just so darn good for you.
  • Good morning all!

    W-165.0, slowly inching down again...

    Today a little off plan, last night made egg sandwiches for DH and his Dad, he wanted me to make one for me, too, so that was breakfast today, we having a viewing tonight for a famly friend, so will probably have to pick something up for supper.

    B- eggs, cheddar, ham on toast
    L-5 bean salad, olives
    E- walk

    CoolMom right now I'm making a scarf, I was trying to make a hat, but needed to get the hang of knit below, so decided to start with the scarf and maybe practice a few different stitches on that.


    Ian thanks for the info, interesting

    Best to all
  • Good morning! I woke up to the house being 61F. That's starting to get too cold for me. Woodstove is trying to warm us back up.

    W 159.6
    B egg on toast
    L soup
    D tamales

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Eek! It's 3:30 and I've eaten all of my meals. Haha!!!

    1113 cals so far. I've made a giant pot of pinto beans and a double batch of cookies (kid's request. not for me) and I still have to make bread. At least I'm finally feeling better and up to the task.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.
  • Diana I take quite a while to bounce back when I fall too. I'm in pretty tough shape today but it'll get better.

    Up 3 today. Hopefully just TOM

    Got my swim in finally

    Had an orange for breakfast and a chicken patty with raw veggies for lunch. Haven't decided on dinner.