Yay! I've made my third goal +

  • Hey all! I got to and surpassed my third weight loss goal of 270lbs. Yay!!! I now weight 265.5lbs. w00t! How are all of you?
  • Congratulations Velvet You are doing great!

    I just back from holidays and am trying to get back to my regular eating and exercise routines, still applying to the government for jobs-no luck so far but I do have lead that may work out

    Nothing new other than that-what's new with you?
  • That is great news Velvet! Hooray for you!

  • Way to go Velvet! I just hit the twenty-five pound mark today.
  • way to go! don't it feel great to be TCB!!!
  • Congrast Velvet!!!

    What type of plan are you on?

    I have not been a loser much lately. But I did pick up belly dancing videos, so maybe things will pick up.
  • What videos did you pick up Squeak?
  • It was a 2 video set. Bellydance for Beginners - Dance for fitness. It doesn't say who the instructor is. It was only $9 for the set.
  • Did you try them out yet? Just curious as to how good they are...
  • Haven't tried them yet, but I will let you know...