6weeks on program

  • Hi all, this is my first post, love it here. Anyway I am wondering if anyone had severe muscle aches and weakness during this time?:?
  • Yes, in the first four weeks I felt as though I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, repeatedly.

    Muscle aches can be caused by not enough salt because IP food isn't loaded with sodium the way regular pre-packaged food is you may be suffering from low sodium. Try a half tsp of salt on the back of your hand and lick it. Remember to keep a glass of water handy as the salt taken neat may make you gag a little. (one of the times you wish the tequila was IP compliant, right?)

    Try some gentle stretches after being active, and a soak in a hot bath before bed to relax all your muscles.

    It will get better.
  • Thank you, yes I do wish tequila was involved, lol In the future maybe.
  • I had this for a few weeks my first time around. My previous coach said to make sure I was getting all my vitamins and salt. It eventually went away. I do swim while I'm OP this time around and I haven't had muscle fatigue yet.
  • I felt that way for the first 5-6 weeks as well. Even now after 8 weeks i get days like that from time to time. I notice it especially more after a few days of being too physically active. (Probably why you're not supposed to do too intense of workouts on this program).