*New* Getting out of the 160s!!

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  • 165.2
  • 163.
    Had ice cream yesterday. A controlled treat, and didn't feel like eating ten more afterwards. Which is pretty great! I was eating ice cream like a normal person.
  • 165.4
  • 165.0
  • 163.8

    Totally slipped yesterday and binged on sweet stuff. I was incredibly tired, hungry and just lost it in the grocery store. It didn't taste as good as I remembered though. Almost a bit icky, ate it anyway. Today back on plan. Would feel a bit demoralized, if I hadn't just noticed how much muscle I have gained in my bum. Had to do a double check in a reflective surface - is that really my bum?!! When did it become so round and... perky??!!! Also went and dug up a new "goal" piece of old clothing from my closet - a lovely pinstripe skirt for autumn. Will need to lose about 6 centimeters from my waist for that, and I think it's totally doable.
  • Good Morning, Crazy busy but thought I'ld better check in with you chicks. Still at 163.5, not much to tell here.

    Pigeon, Acrylic paints at this point, bright and cheerful.

    SuperB, did you get your new fancy scale? Nice to hear about how muscle is making your bum look fabulous, tee, hee. It's always good to be motivated to fit into some favorite clothes item.

    Hi to Maui and Chub
  • workinglikeadog, I checked on amazon and they say it arrives tomorrow. Which will be good, because even though the silly gym scale is off, I still check it. When it says lower than I think, I don't believe it because I know how my body feels at that weight. When it says more, I believe it and become depressed that my body will never lose the weight and that all my efforts are for nothing!
    It will help to have a reliable measure to help keep ME a bit more balanced too! :-)
  • Workinglikeadog, that's cool! I'm a watercolour painter but occasionally paint in acrylics too, mainly when I really want to move my hands

    It's bumpy but there's still progress.
  • 162.0
    Now we're talking! I was getting real mad at my scale. I am starting to see a pattern here - busting through a plateau seems to often be followed by rapid loss.
  • 164.4
  • New fancy scale arrived! I am at 167.4 according to the scale.
    Seriously, this contraption tells you everything: BMI, fat% water%, even weight of my bones! Why I would want to know how much my bones weigh is beyond me! Anyhow, still slugging along, even though it seems like SO much work and effort for such a tiny result.
  • Ok, after reading a lot about people's experiences on 3FC about IMF, I thought I would give it a go. Well, this seems to give a bit of a kick start: I am at 165.8 this morning! Woo hoo!
    And honestly, it wasn't that hard!

    Curious to see how body, weight, and energy respond today and tomorrow, going back to eating - but very reasonably!
  • 164.2
  • 161.4
    I was a bit worried as I had just visited my mother and had some strawberry cake, but apparently I was ok. Perhaps playing in the playground with my niece helped - lots of running and climbing around.

    Generally looks like that having a treat every now and then isn't indeed that bad. I'll just have to keep my head cool and not start binging on ice cream and sweet as I used to.
  • pigeon, you are SO close to getting out of the 160's! Cannot wait to be where you are at!
    Holding at 165.8, which is fabulous, because I expected to have a bit of an uptick after having a "normal" day after a fast day, but the result seems to be holding! Think I'll do another fast day on Monday. Would love a bit more result before I leave on vacation on the 23rd to attend a wedding. Good short-term motivator!