Fabulous at Fifty+ .... A home for those of us 50 and older on IP! VOLUME 13

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  • Okay, after seeing Liana's post, I know I'm in the right place!

    Hi, again. I've made exactly one post -- a week or two ago when I was contemplating the program. I asked, "Is there anything you wish you had known about the IP program before you started?" Or something to that effect. The overwhelming response (both offline and online) to my question was, "I wish I had known about IP sooner!" So that was good enough for me and I started the program this past Saturday. Yes, Valentine's Day -- on purpose.

    This was my 50th birthday present to me. I turned 50 on February 10 and I have been on and off (mostly off) low-carbing since the birth of my last child in 2006. Yep. That long. I would gain and lose the same 20 pounds over and over again. I had started tracking and working on myself again in September of last year but after my initial 10 pound loss, I was stuck. Again. Anyone with insulin/leptin resistance can give me a "holla" right here.

    So far, I am down +/- 5 pounds (I have a Fitbit Aria and since I paid that much for a scale, I'm going to use it!) and I love the IP plan! It's just the "no brainer" food choices and controlled selection I need with instant gratification! If you're dieting, you don't want to wait six weeks for any weight loss to show up! At least I don't.

    I have been reading all the sticky threads and am so glad I found this forum and IP! I will have my official first weigh-in on Friday and for ONCE, I'm not dreading stepping on a scale!

    Thanks for being here and being "real". Each and every one of you is amazing.
  • Joysh - I hope everything is going well with your sister. So good that you can be there for her.

    Marcibeaucoup - Good to have you here. I remember your first post! I hope that first weigh in goes well.

    I have been really busy at work - running to meetings non-stop and working on weekends to keep up. I indulged in an extra Quest bar today - oh well...
  • Quote: Okay, after seeing Liana's post, I know I'm in the right place!

    Hi, again. I've made exactly one post -- a week or two ago when I was contemplating the program. I asked, "Is there anything you wish you had known about the IP program before you started?" Or something to that effect. The overwhelming response (both offline and online) to my question was, "I wish I had known about IP sooner!" So that was good enough for me and I started the program this past Saturday. Yes, Valentine's Day -- on purpose.

    This was my 50th birthday present to me. I turned 50 on February 10 and I have been on and off (mostly off) low-carbing since the birth of my last child in 2006. Yep. That long. I would gain and lose the same 20 pounds over and over again. I had started tracking and working on myself again in September of last year but after my initial 10 pound loss, I was stuck. Again. Anyone with insulin/leptin resistance can give me a "holla" right here.

    So far, I am down +/- 5 pounds (I have a Fitbit Aria and since I paid that much for a scale, I'm going to use it!) and I love the IP plan! It's just the "no brainer" food choices and controlled selection I need with instant gratification! If you're dieting, you don't want to wait six weeks for any weight loss to show up! At least I don't.

    I have been reading all the sticky threads and am so glad I found this forum and IP! I will have my official first weigh-in on Friday and for ONCE, I'm not dreading stepping on a scale!

    Thanks for being here and being "real". Each and every one of you is amazing.
    WELCOME! What a nice gift to give yourself! It will turn out to be the best one you've ever received!
  • Quote: Joysh - I hope everything is going well with your sister. So good that you can be there for her.

    Marcibeaucoup - Good to have you here. I remember your first post! I hope that first weigh in goes well.

    I have been really busy at work - running to meetings non-stop and working on weekends to keep up. I indulged in an extra Quest bar today - oh well...
    No worries -- a Quest bar is not a bag of Doritos! Like they say in Frozen -- LET IT GO!!!
  • Hi All!

    Just want to say hello. All is going well here. I'm having my delicious IP Broc-cheese soup right now for lunch. Made my sister a spinach-banana-blueberry smoothie, which smelled delish. She said " just finish it off," but I won't. I plan to have a really nice loss these two weeks, so I'm sticking to the program.

    Welcome, Marcibeaucoup! Glad to have you here!

    I agree with Shinyo, Lizzy. Don't sweat it unless you see yourself doing it every day. I do that occasionally when I feel the need.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Quote: Hi All!

    Just want to say hello. All is going well here. I'm having my delicious IP Broc-cheese soup right now for lunch. Made my sister a spinach-banana-blueberry smoothie, which smelled delish. She said " just finish it off," but I won't. I plan to have a really nice loss these two weeks, so I'm sticking to the program.

    Welcome, Marcibeaucoup! Glad to have you here!

    I agree with Shinyo, Lizzy. Don't sweat it unless you see yourself doing it every day. I do that occasionally when I feel the need.

    Have a great day, everyone!
    keeping you and your sister in my prayers. good for you for sticking to your plan! you can do it!
  • Thanks, Rainbow. I really appreciate it. some days are more difficult than others.
  • Hi, Ladies- Just dropping by to say "Hi!"

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday. Headed back to work soon for an evening meeting, which hopefully won't go too long. Came home for dinner first so I would have no issues with finding a suitable meal.
  • It's still very respectable to lose 1.2lb in a week. Dig out your tape measure for a boost to esteem when the scale doesn't reward you in the expected manner. Very often you have bigger inch losses on weeks where the dial barely moves on the scale.[/QUOTE]

    Yes, please don't be discouraged Sevenhours. I am on week 8 and down 16 lbs. This is my second time on IP. Two years ago I also averaged 2 lbs per week. I have always been a slower loser than many. I just know I'm going to lose 8 lbs a month and that is better than gaining 8 lbs a month and more weight than I have lost on other diets. I too get frustrated at times seeing others losing more quicker. Each of us is different.
  • Just wanted to bump this thread up.

    I'm planning my return to my "normal??" life when I go back home on Monday. I've been here for 2 weeks and it's gotten increasingly difficult watching the cancer drugs get firmly into the system of my D sister. Thankfully, her daughter (my DN) will be here when I leave.

    I've managed to stay OP, with a few extra Quest bars here and there. Other than that, I've stayed OP fine.

    It's interesting, but my most challenging times on IP (whether maintenance or not) have always been the first few weeks after I return from a trip. I seem to have this crazy mind-set that "I've been so good, now I can be bad." I know that's a little whacked.

    Just asking for some support with my "reentry" to work and it's schedule. Also, my flight on Monday is 7:30 AM, which means I'll be up very early and leave for the airport at 5:30 Am. I am NOT an early bird, so this will take a couple of days to readjust, especially with the DST that happens tonight.

    Ah, well! We all move on and move through. All will be well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and a good weekend! It's warmed up a bit, at least in the Southern US states! Stay warm, all of you northerners and Canadians!

  • Quote: Just wanted to bump this thread up.

    I'm planning my return to my "normal??" life when I go back home on Monday. I've been here for 2 weeks and it's gotten increasingly difficult watching the cancer drugs get firmly into the system of my D sister. Thankfully, her daughter (my DN) will be here when I leave.

    I've managed to stay OP, with a few extra Quest bars here and there. Other than that, I've stayed OP fine.

    It's interesting, but my most challenging times on IP (whether maintenance or not) have always been the first few weeks after I return from a trip. I seem to have this crazy mind-set that "I've been so good, now I can be bad." I know that's a little whacked.

    Just asking for some support with my "reentry" to work and it's schedule. Also, my flight on Monday is 7:30 AM, which means I'll be up very early and leave for the airport at 5:30 Am. I am NOT an early bird, so this will take a couple of days to readjust, especially with the DST that happens tonight.

    Ah, well! We all move on and move through. All will be well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and a good weekend! It's warmed up a bit, at least in the Southern US states! Stay warm, all of you northerners and Canadians!

    you are such an inspiration!! stay strong for your sister and yourself
  • Quote: Just wanted to bump this thread up.

    I'm planning my return to my "normal??" life when I go back home on Monday. I've been here for 2 weeks and it's gotten increasingly difficult watching the cancer drugs get firmly into the system of my D sister. Thankfully, her daughter (my DN) will be here when I leave.

    I've managed to stay OP, with a few extra Quest bars here and there. Other than that, I've stayed OP fine.

    It's interesting, but my most challenging times on IP (whether maintenance or not) have always been the first few weeks after I return from a trip. I seem to have this crazy mind-set that "I've been so good, now I can be bad." I know that's a little whacked.

    Just asking for some support with my "reentry" to work and it's schedule. Also, my flight on Monday is 7:30 AM, which means I'll be up very early and leave for the airport at 5:30 Am. I am NOT an early bird, so this will take a couple of days to readjust, especially with the DST that happens tonight.

    Ah, well! We all move on and move through. All will be well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and a good weekend! It's warmed up a bit, at least in the Southern US states! Stay warm, all of you northerners and Canadians!

    Well we are here to give support! Glad you reached out. I can't imagine how stressful it has been with your sister. Very hard to watch someone we love be so sick.

    Hang in there, your thoughts about "being bad" aren't whacked, they are just an old habit! We create grooves in our thinking that repeat themselves. And this is a trigger event -- so here comes the habit! Just tell it to "knock it off" -- "you (old habit) are neurological junk and I am not gonna fall for it this time". Sometimes it helps me to think like that when I am tempted to go off plan and cheat! Lean on your executive/higher brain and tell your animal brain to "get out of dodge"!

    Hope that helps!
  • Shinyjo, thanks for the kind words - and also the gentle kick. I do not need to buy into my habit pattern.

    So now I'm back in Louisiana and back to work today. It was a good day. Of course, it was hard leaving my sister, but she's in the good hands of her daughter this week.

    This afternoon I met with my IP coach. She's so caring and kind. Even though I was late and only wanted to buy some foods, she wanted to hear all about my sister and the 2 weeks.

    I buy a box (mixed packets or drinks or puddings, my choice) every week and mix it in with my alternatives from Nashua. She knows that and is fine with it. But this is mainly because I was strictly IP for 9 months when I first did the program. Even on maintenance I visited her every 2 or 3 weeks, just to check in and keep stocked with a box of IP. I know I'm lucky she's here.

    The good news is that I still lost a pound while I was away. So if it keeps going in the right direction, I'm happy.

    Thanks for all of your support. I'll probably go back the first week of April during my Spring Break.

    Happy day to you all!
  • Good for you joysh! And now you can rest a bit easier knowing your sis is in good hands still!

    Hi to all the other 50+ers

  • I have been on these pages several years ago. Did great on the program, lost 120 pounds in 7 months. Fell back into that old thinking pattern and gained 80 pounds. I want to keep it real with myself and all of you. I am going to do it again, but I am very scared about maintenance. I see that there are people on here that have maintained their lose. I am following you. I want to do it someone else's way. I believe that it is possible, I believe that I can overcome my negative thoughts. Thanks!