~~The Golden Girls~~

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  • Okay Thank you for the cool weather, but why are you pulling it back already?

    "One"......Welcome....Pull up a chair, sit back and tell us about yourself. This just a big ole coffee club with a bunch of us who have the answer to almost everything because one of us has done that or lived that. We are fully mature adult women who glory in their cronehood. You have to earn being a Golden Girl by living well and joyfully. Humor is important, so is caring and compassion. Enough said Give us a name besides "One" and tell us about you and your life. We take care of our own, Donna is the posse, Karen is the Boss, Bobbi is in charge and I'm the enforcer or earworm depending on who needs what. Cajun, Rosey, Gayle are the crafty mothering ones. Mary is a travel agent. We can't give Tam a job because she works too much. There are more but I'm getting forgetful.....did you hear that....that was Donna rolling her eye balls....I'm telling MOM.

    Tam....Alone....Enjoy....Lucky you!

    Gayle.....Don't shot him but think of evil ways you could get back at him. You don't have to act, but thinking and planning is almost as good as revenge. How do you think I got to 56 yrs married?

    DeeLou....Happy Trails to You......singing a song that another Ohioian made famous.

    Mary.....Walk Walk Walk...Ok now when home alone with just the dog Dance Dance Dance.....

    Bobbi....Are you taking orders for homemade croutons? I take 2 bags.

    Back to my puzzles...I just finished the ugliest one ever. Cut avocado...that's it....blah k3
  • 24 hours going going gone
  • Good evening GG's,

    Kind of sort of a quiet day here today. Nothing really to tell about. I did get two 15 minute walks in today. I know ~ it doesn't sound like much, but that is 1/2 hour that I am not sitting around.

    DGS Corbin will be 17 tomorrow ~ where has the time gone?

    K3 ~ I like the idea you suggested for my DH.

    Mary ~ glad you were able to get back to the gym. Sounds like you had a nice time with your daughter's family.

    Welcome OneMoon ~ glad to have you join us.

    TamTam ~ glad you got to enjoy a little alone time.

    Deelou ~ enjoy the time with your family.

    Donna ~ glad you had a nice summer. No, DH doesn't irritate me for the fun of it ~ I don't think he realizes or thinks he is irritating. Oh well. Gotta take the good with the bad.

    Karen31 ~ congratulations on the weight loss. Glad you are enjoying your new furniture.

    Judy ~ glad your diet is going well. For me, it is not so much hunger issues ~ it is wanting to still munch on something even when I am not hungry.

    Hope you all are having a nice evening.
  • Good morning we are having unbelievably mild warm weather for the 8th of October. Found out my DGS will be going out of State to school in 2 weeks. It's about time, but I will miss him. I back slid the last couple of days, I hope anything I gained will come off quickly. I'm trying not to be disapointed in myself as that is going to happen occasionally. It's because I quit writing what i ate down, so I wasn't making myself accountable. Welcome to OneMoon!!! Congratulations on your weightloss Karen31!!!!! TamTam enjoy your alone time while you can, DH is about to retire soon and my alone time will be no more. Anybody else I might have missed I apologize. I hate to complain, and don't want this to be a catalog of my ills, but I think I am going to have to get my back and hip pain reassesed by a doctor. The last time I went all he did was sympathize, which is nice but I have to find a solution for the problem. There are days I can hardly move. I understand what you mean when you say that you want something in your mouth even when you are not hungry glynne, I have the same problem. My problem is I love salty flavors. I know some people crave sweet, I'm not that much on sweet flavors. I have to get my eating under control today and that is what I have to concentrate on today. Hope everyone has a great day
  • Been alone with dog this morning. Dh just got home from his eye dr appt. He got a new prescription now that his eye is healed from surgery. Judy, I hope the doctor can find something to help you with your pain as I know chronic pain is difficult to live with. I am the same about always wanting to eat esp as the days goes on. I tend to want to alternate sweet and salty. Interesting how those are the two tastes that seem to tempt people most. Something that helps me is to think about the types of foods (nutrition) I need and make sure I get them first. This keeps me on target pretty well until evening most days, but evenings is when I lose control and even sometimes late afternoons. I've tried eating more at meals but I still do the same thing plus with diabetes I can only eat so much. I think it's just a mental/habit thing. Another thing that helps is keeping veggies on hand like carrots and radishes to snack on and I eat about every 3-3 1/2 hrs. But I have been fighting this for many years and cannot seem to get it under control, yet I keep trying.

    Glynne -GFY on the walking. 15 min is fine because it is something.

    Need to get busy...so much to do on the computer, it's hard to get housework done and I haven't even been playing around. Most of my life is on the computer these days.
  • Okay you all ignored me.......Mary alone with the dog?...Did you Dance?

    Gayle....carry the thought with you thru the day and find yourself grinning like a fool! It was drive him crazy.

    Judy...I had both knees replaced this year and understand your pain.

    Back to Summer down here....blaaaah.....k3
  • K3 ~ I saw your post, but wasn't sure what you meant. You will have to forgive my pea brain ~ I am not as talented as our Donna deciphering your comments.
  • Hello ladies! Winding down the workday. I love my job, but there are times that it gets hard. One of my customers whom I really like just found out her cancer came back and it is not good, makes me sad. We see people in their joys and in their sorrows and their joys and sorrows become our joys and sorrows, we laugh with them and we cry with them, we give lots of hugs and prayers, it is really such a blessing the happy times and the sad times. Just thought I'd put what's in my heart to "pen and paper". Have a blessed evening all.
  • Gayle I posted on 10/6 and 24 hours later no new posts. That was going going gone.

    and you did see my suggestion....you're good girl k3
  • Hola, Goldens!

    KarenFL – I had to laugh…. Yes, we do know almost everything… and if we don’t know, we still have an opinion (an educated opinion, of course!). Anything anyone wants to know, just ask us!!

    Gayle – happy birthday to your DGS! How did his homecoming dance end up? Were the mums okay? He seems to be such a nice boy! And you’re too nice… of COURSE, your DH irritates you just because he can! That’s his job, dontcha know??

    Judy – I had my hip replaced in June. I’m a veritable font of information.

    Tam – sorry about your friend/customer. I worked in a bank a thousand years ago and knew the customers, their kids, their spouses, their life stories…. It’s easy to become attached to the favorites, isn’t it? Good thoughts.

    I have absolutely NOTHING to contribute today. Yesterday was running errands; today I changed the sheets and cleaned the bedroom. Blah, blah, blah, blah…. NOTHING exciting in my life. And that makes me happy!

    Hope you’re all hanging in there. Sorry you felt lost, lonely, and abandoned, KarenFL….

    Adios, Lovelies!
  • Since the thread isn't filling up very fast like it used to and we don't have to worry about making it run over 500 posts ~ maybe I won't mess anything up if I make little short comments as we go.

    Donna ~ sometimes Blah, blah, blah and unexciting is wonderful. Sure beats a bunch of drama. Ahhhh ~ peacefulness.

    K3 ~ got it ~ there was nothing new to reply to.

    TamTam ~ your prayers and caring are probably a comfort to your customers/friends and is a blessing to them.

    Judy ~ hope your hip and back feels better

    Mary ~ it is great that you keep trying ~ who knows where that scale would stop if you quit trying.

    Ran errands today ~ groceries ~ Aldi, Walmart, filled the gas tank. Got pumpkins for the kids to carve for halloween.

    Hope you all rest well tonight.
  • K3 I did post but lost the entire post and it was a long post. Didn't have energy to do it over.

    Dh left for his trip along with ds's. They are going to Missouri on a hunting trip. I've been up since 230 this morning. It's going to be a rough day. I have a busy weekend planned with ds's fiancées. Shopping eating out which I rarely do now due to dieting and maybe a movie. I haven't been to the movies in close to 30 years. I would like to see dolphin tale 2.

    I'll be back later with personels.
  • Cajun ~ I don't look forward to eating out, or being out and about because of the dieting. I can stay in control better when I am at home, so kind of turn down opportunities to go out to do stuff because it seems it doesn't take much to mess up any progress I have made and also, I struggle then to get back on track. Sad ~ I wish I could enjoy being out and about or eating out ~ I wish I had better self control.

    Enjoy your weekend with your future daughters-in-law and the fun of planning for the weddings with them.
  • Good morning ladies; I am expecting a peaceful day today. I started writing down my food intake and calories consumed again so I think I will have an easier time keeping on track. I know myself well enough to know if I don't do that I invariably backslide. The pain is not as intense today, which makes moving around easier. I think next week I will get it checked out again. I'm glad your DH is healing up from his eye surgery Mary. I hope he gets all healed up soon. K3 I hear ya on the knee replacement surgery, DH had both knees and hips replaced. He didn't say much but I could see his pain in his face and eyes. Tamtam I know it is so easy to become attached to our customers, I was a homecare provider and I absolutely got attached to my clients, even though it was against policy. we don't hardly eat out unless I find a 2 meals for one price coupon, or coupons for one of the burger joints in town, or pizza joints. I hope your visit goes well with your future daughter inlaw Cajun. Most of my children are married except my 2nd daughter. She is divorced x 2. I have been awake since 3:10 this morning. I finally got up around 3:50, very frustrating. I decided to get up and get my AM chores done so I am ahead of myself this morning. I still have a ton of stuff to get accomplished today, but at least I have a good start. I hope everyones day is a good one.
  • Good morning golden girls. It's Friday and I'm off. My second long weekend. I have 3 more to go. This girl could get spoiled to this real easy.
    The 3 loves of my life made it to Missouri for their hunting trip but I think it's not going to be good due to a lot of rain.
    I'm being lazy this morning. I woke up and 445 and went back to bed. Had to force myself to go back to sleep. My internal clock can't go past 5 am. But you know sometimes you're just tired and need to lay around. Something I never get to do by myself.
    Yesterday I had to keep calling dh with problems. First I went into sons room to freshen up the room and change sheets and dust. I plugged in a lamp and the fan light got real dim and then the fan cut off. The plug was real hot in an instant. I had no light in that part of the house. I called dh and told him to listen to me very good. I explained what happened. He told me to go to the panel box and look for flipped breaker. Sure enough it was flipped. So I flipped it back and he told me to go check everything. All good. He said those breakers are there in case something like that happens. He told me now you listen to me very carefully " go throw that lamp in the dumpster". Lol smart a$&. I kinda figured that is what I needed to do. I was one of those 6 foot tall lamps. Not a cheap lamp either. The wire comes up thru the rod to the bulb. It must have gotten cut somehow. Then I had to call him back. We live out in the country and someone dropped 2 mangy flea infested big dogs in my yard. They were on my front door steps and wouldn't leave. I have moms coming and going all day and didn't want to take a chance that one of them would be aggressive and try to bite. We live out in the country so the dog catcher doesn't come outside of city limits. I know what I'm about to say May sound cruel but I had to do it for the safety of my job. Dh wanted me to shoot the pistol not at them but near them to scare them off. I said no I can't do that with the babies in the house. I waited until they both got on my steps and crept to the door where they couldn't see me and opened the storm door real fast and pushed them off the steps. It scared them so bad they left. Haven't seem them since. I guess they went to another neighbors house. Their fate might not be so lucky next door. Why do people assume we want their sick dogs because we live way out of town.
    Well it's about time for me to get moving to go shopping.

    Tam glad you got a day off for yourself.
    Judy hope your pain subsides.
    Gayle as you know our lifestyle is go go go all the time. I know how you feel. I do well at home too. At the camp it was always a free for all food fest for me. I'm just learning to handle that by planning my menus at the camp. Now eating out I've learned I have to have control if I want to be smaller for those weddings. It's hard but there is something I want more than food. It's only cuz the men are gone and us girls want to get together and have a girls night out that I'm going eat out. If it was just dh and I we have stopped going out to eat. Only occasionally.
    Donna glad you are happy doing nothing!!! That would drive me crazy.
    Mary hope dh 's surgery goes ok. Will be praying for him.
    K3 I know the feeling hot humid and yucky. But....... There is a cold front coming Monday. Hope you get it too.

    Sorry I've been Mia. I posted a long post this week and lost the whole thing. Grrr

    I'll try to do better.
    Have a nice weekend ladies.
    Hi Bobbi Rosey k31
