Motivation help needed

  • Hey all, I am new on this site. I was hoping that I could get some suggestions on how others have maintained there motivation through the Ideal weight loss program. I started probably a month or two ago and needless to say this is my second time around. ( this last time was because of an illness) Any thoughts/ suggestions?
  • Hi there,

    Come on over to the daily chat threads! There are tons of motivating posts there and inspiring people who are at all stages of the plan, from phase 1 through maintenance. I started a bit over two weeks ago and have found the daily chat very helpful and motivating.

  • Take it one meal at a time with the intention of meeting the protocol. Knowing that you are worth the effort. You can do it!
  • I think the secret to success is finding creative ways to use the packets and changing up your daily vegetables and meats/fish. Sure, they're fine for the first few weeks, but after that you're going to want to introduce more variety.

    Check out the threads about recipes and alternatives (if your IP coach allows you to introduce them, especially if they have difficulty with supply of certain popular packets). The other place I get ideas for non-IP meals (lunch and dinner) are on the "What are you eating today" threads. Some of the meals are truly ingenious and/or inspired.

    As others have said ... try not to look at the bigger picture. Concentrate on today, and do hop on over to the Daily chat. Hopefully losing the weight and inches will give you an "oomph" start and get you focused.
  • Hi Carmie
    There is a book that is referred to a lot on this site called "The Beck Diet Solution". The very first exercise you do in this book is write an Advantage Response Card. She says it is non optional and extremely important to write out all of the advantages bulletin style on a piece of paper/ index card/ back of a business card and review it twice a day. Every day. Forever. I took a picture of my card with my phone so that I would always have it handy. And there really is something to reinforcing every day why I am doing this and what I want to achieve.
    You really can do this diet to the end & the maintenance that follows. All of us can. We may need to change our habits and reframe our thinking, it may take effort and time but we are all capable.
    I also find coming to this site, posting both about my troubles and my victories and sharing in others.
  • Thanks a lot. I have checked out the other threads and there is a lot of helpful information. Glad I was introduced to this site.
  • Quote: Thanks a lot. I have checked out the other threads and there is a lot of helpful information. Glad I was introduced to this site.
    This website is so motivational. I have also found reading diet books help me not stray.

    Best wishes for your success!