hair back of neck, line down back,etc

  • Hi.

    I have a few areas of hair that bother me, the back of my neck(actually to be more specific the fat pad hump behind my neck and a single line down my back that is not man thick or anything but more noticeable than fine hair plus my hair is black then i have the hair on lower back. *sigh* the lower back I can just nair myself but would you just wax the entire back in this situation? I want to get a routine going because It makes me self conscious. I cannot afford laser on such a large surface. thanks
  • I have ignored/avoided noticing all excess hair besides under my nose/on my upper lip, so I don't know if I am much help.

    I used to remove the hair from my fingers, hands, arms and toes whenever I shaved my legs/under arms. My partner thinks that's just silly, so I don't do it all the time now. The hair on my fingers and hands is what bothers me the most.

    I also find If i leave it alone it's thinner and lighter and not really such a big deal. Not like the way your legs or underarms would grow in. Obviously I understand if you really feel the need to remove the hair on your back, but I just wonder if you're just going to drive yourself crazy with it all. Try not to stress about it.
  • Hey, I was just thinking of making a thread similar to this.

    The bigger I get the more hair I seem to have on my fingers, hands and forearms which does bother me when i get lighter it seems to clear up though, one of abijillion reasons I cant wait to start losing some weight from Friday
  • If it makes you feel better to get rid of it? Go for it.

    Me? I am losing hair on my head -- that bugs me. Along with the acne. (Both are probably from the elevated androgens.)

    For my excess face hair? I just shave it off or sometimes go get it waxed.
