Diet zone

  • Hello! I'm new and I don't know if this is the right place for my post.. anyway, for those who have followed the Zone diet ... what results did you have? do you not risk overeating with all the snacks? For example, the one in the evening is compulsory? Do you risk to take back all the lbs you lost once you stop the diet? Thanks and sorry for my bad english
  • zone diet
    The zone diet was created by barry sears and it includes 2 or 3 snacks of 1 block (proteins, fat and carbohydrates)
  • Hi. I am following the Zone and I am getting incredible results!! It has actually quelled my carb cravings and yesterday I had a "free" meal and ate barely half of it! After three bites I was done whereas before my free meal would turn into a free day! Excellent way of eating and I enjoy looking in the mirror now instead of covering it up (which I actually used to do!)