Healthy fats...

  • How many servings are you aiming for daily?
  • I'm like 5'3 or 5'4 (I'd like to think) with an active lifestyle and I aim for 50-60g, at least, of fat a day. Sometimes I go over. I kinda like fatty foods a bit too much. :P
  • I frickin' load up on Omega 3s. I eat six cans of fish a day. At least two of those are oily.

    For example, tomorrow I will eat two cans of smoked oysters, 1 can of sardines, 1 can of salmon, 1 can of octopus and 1 can of catfish.

    To be honest, I just can't gain weight on this stuff. And it helps my joints, skin, hair, and eyes too.

    To lose weight, I do still have to cut though.

    Looking back at my macros, I typically have 50-80g of healthy fats a day.
  • I'm 5'5" and am trying to clean up my diet. I'm at the following:

    100-120 g protein
    125-175 g carbs (fruit, vegetables, no flour/sugar)
    30-40g fat from Quest bars, almond butter, trace fats

    I'm 124 at the moment. I also lift weights- hence the protein.