Back after TWINS!

  • I have been a 3FC member on & off for the last 4 years. I started my weight loss journey here when my daughter was 4 months old. With the support of this place, I was able to go from 220 to 128 over the course of 2 years. After multiple miscarriages, we finally got pregnant...with twins. I spent nearly the entire pregnancy on bed rest, and eventually, hospital bed rest. My sweet little boys were born in May and are perfect. I quickly dropped from 169 to 147 while they spent 3 weeks in the NICU.

    I hit a wall & have bounced around between 148 & 150 for the last month & I'm sick of it. None of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit & I don't like how I feel. I'm back at Pilates at last 3 times a week, watching my calories, but not cutting too low because I am exclusively breastfeeding the boys.

    Really looking for support, encouragement & accountability to get back to what I was last summer. I worked so hard & I am not willing to throw that all away. Glad to be back!
  • Congratulations on your twins! Welcome back to the weight loss club! I just had my baby a few months ago so I'm getting back on board. I only lost 10 lbs of pregnancy weight after baby so I've had to work at losing more than I did with my first pregnancy. Im also nursing as well! If you haven't already checked out the nursing section of the forums on here I completely recommend it. We need more of us over there!