Salt Free Foods - Does It Exist?

  • Do salt free foods exist? If so please give me a huge list of salt free foods that still taste good without salt? My biggest problem is salt making my feet swell which in turns make the scale go up when I want it to go down, Thanks for anyone who answers back.
  • This article has some good suggestions.

    I think anything processed will have more sodium so try to eat home made foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. It takes time to adjust to a lower sodium intake. My dad has had issues with Vertigo so he eats very low sodium and it took my mom a while to figure out how to cook for him but now that they both eat this way, when they do eat something with a lot of sodium, they are kind of shocked by how salty it tastes and they don't even like it. I recommend adjusting slowly and reading labels, but I know it can be very challenging.

    One thing that's helpful is having foods high in Potassium (like bananas and asparagus) because Potassium helps your body flush out the sodium.
  • If you lessen the amount of salt you eat, then foods will naturally taste better with less salt. I cut out salt a few years ago but had to add it back in because my blood pressure went down way too low. I noticed that foods I cooked were find but anything I ate made by other people/restaurants, tasted salty.
  • Your best bet is probably to make foods from scratch when you can, that way you can control the amount of sodium that goes into it. If you're not into cooking from scratch, maybe just start with one meal a day. In my experience, lemon juice is awesome for adding a salty flavor without the sodium.
  • Thanks for answering back Ladies and I love Lemon juice so I'll definitely do that
  • Many types of vinegar are sodium-free, and they add great zing to a dish. (Watch out, though, for flavored gourmet varieties.) And, just this morning at an international farmer's market, I was happy to find salt-free lemon pepper seasoning, as well as plain ground celery (rather than the usual celery salt). Also try ethnic grocers, which typically carry a lot of intriguing, inexpensive spices that lack added sodium.
  • Thanks, I'll definitely check out those places.
  • Try skipping dressings anytime that you have the option. Ex: at Subway when I do my selection, I omit having my veggies topped off with a dressing & taste the delicious flavors in my veggies By doing that 1 step I remove: sodium, fat, sugar, carbohydrates, preservatives, artificial colors, etc. from my body

    The sandwich is soo tasty & healthier