Starting over, again?

  • Well I fell off track and gained 10 pounds of baby weight. I stopped caring about what I eat and binged on junk food and soda juice etc. I am so out of shape and so depressed and ashamed of myself. I feel so self conscious of my body and I can't fit half of my clothes. My coworker said to me today that I have a great body just my stomach is big I was so offended! Well I had my baby girl 4 months ago and she is such a miracle. So I just keep this in mind when I feel bad about my stomach but I need tips to stay on track. I am still over 40 pounds my post baby body. I started tracking calories and I've lost 2 pounds. I have such a hard time staying on track sugar is my drug of choice.
  • First of all, congrats on having your baby, and on your overall weight loss!

    Second, it might help to realize that it's only 10 lbs (I know, I say that but the 10 feel enormous, right? But better than regaining all and then some). You've caught yourself regaining, and now you can fix that. That's one of the key tricks to taking off weight and keeping it off - stop the regain as soon as you notice. You're doing that!

    If you're craving sugar, maybe try ripe fresh fruits or canned fruits and plan that as snacks during the day.
  • Congratulations on the new baby! It's depressing hearing you talk about yourself that way though. You've just give birth, the most amazing and wonderous thing a human body can do and you're putting yourself down. You're not a Hollywood starlet required to drop the baby weight within a month. Go easy on yourself, there's a lot going on with a new baby to put yourself down this hard now. If your best friend was feeling this way what would you say to her? How would you make her feel about a 10lb gain?
  • Congratulations on the new baby - I am currently 26 weeks so I am dreading that wobbly tummy when she is born! But I will have a beautiful miracle daughter so I doubt I will care that much.

    I am sure with it just being 10 pounds it will soon fly off you and I would actually suggest stomach toning exercises then you can lose the weight and tone up at the same time.
  • Your body is still healing from the trauma, yes I do think that pregnancy and
    birth is traumatizing on the body and it takes time to heal, and if you are
    breast feeding, your body is providing for your baby and that takes a lot
    out of a body as well. Judging so soon after birth is not very fair imo even
    though your co worker may have not meant to be mean about it.

    My wish is for you not to despair, be kind to your self and the miracle your
    body performed by creating and giving life to your precious baby.

    My advice to myself is to leave yesterday alone and live a good today. I
    doubt I am alone in regrets for not having good yesterdays throughout my
    life but I am having a good today and that's what really counts, and I tell
    myself that as often as I can, it helps to keep me going for more good todays.
  • I'm starting again too! (But not doing very well... eek!) Don't be hard on yourself, I've gained back at least 35 pounds and I'm kicking myself in the hinney. Not much you can do but get back up on that horse. Take care of yourself, as mentioned above you are a new mommy, your body needs time to heal.