Sad n Fat

  • I'm new here, and suffer from clinical depression, and am an emotional eater. I have no motivation, and I know I need to lose weight, or I will die. Sometimes it wouldn't be so bad to die, but then I look at what I would leave behind if I did. So, instead I just eat to bury the depression, and pain I feel.
    Hoping to get better with the help of ppl here, who suffer from the same things as I do. Ty
  • Welcome honey, and I'm sorry you're struggling. <<<<hugs>>>>

    I think many people who struggle with depression also struggle with weight. I hope you are getting proper care for your mental health as you embark on a weightloss journey, you want to take care of ALL of you!

    Please jump right in on threads and start sharing, there are lots of supportive and understanding people on these forums!
  • Welcome, you've come to the right place...we've all been there. <3
  • Been there. Thing is, true clinical depression doesn't just vanish. It has to be helped away.

    If you are not already in therapy, I'd recommend that you start it ASAP. You will probably also need meds, but you need talk to a doctor about that.

    Just know that there IS life on the other side.

    You may not want to hear this, but I wouldn't worry about the weight at this point. Once the depression is better, you can start on that journey.

    Right now, your only job is to be kind to yourself and take the steps to get the help you need.

    ((((HUGS)))) Never give up.
  • Tyvm Mrs Snark, Oldnewbie, and df180, I am getting the proper care, with a therapist/meds, but still depressed. I've lost my son, daughter in-law, and mother all a yr apart. Both were sudden losses. An car accident for my kids, and cancer for my Mom. No one new about it, until it was too late.
    As for my kids...I'm going to feel guilty, and sad for a very long time. I had just spoke to my son 10 mins b4 the accident. If I had only pushed for him to come to my home, he might still be here. A child should nvr go b4 a parent.
    It was Gods will, but its still hard to handle. That being said, the weight loss will be difficult, but I know I need it.
    Drs, family, tell me if I don't get it off, I'll be dead. Sometimes that thought doesn't seem too bad...but then I realize if I leave, my granddaughter, husband, and my niece who are the most important ppl in my life, would be feeling just as I do. =(
  • My condolences. I'm extremely sorry for your losses....I can understand your grief, but please don't feel guilty...those things are out of anyones control, it's very painful to lose someone you love...but it will get better with time. It's true you'll always miss them, but they wouldn't want you living in constant agony.

    It's great you're getting the proper care. And take baby steps with your weight loss... it can be difficult at times, but I'm sure it will get better once you get into it. We're all here for you to answer your questions and root for you along your journey.

    Keep your head up.
  • tyvm
  • so sorry for your losses. Lost someone close to me a year ago and it has been a real struggle.

    Just keep putting one thing in front of the other. Another thing that works for me is finding 5 things to be grateful each matter how I feel. Gratitude for what you do have can help/shift your energy to more positive.
  • The good news is you're not alone. Most of us are here because we ate our feelings. There is really no bad news, because you're here!! You are reaching out because you want a glimpse of a new, healthy life. Make a list of all the things that being a healthy weight will bring to your new life. You have a butterfly chosen as your icon...imagine yourself becoming something new. I hope that helps.
  • Ty for ur comment.