
  • Hi, i'm an italian girl and I decided to join this forum because I would like to have some support from people that are trying to lose weight as I'm. I've seen that the forum get update pretty often, so I tought that here I can find someone to talk in difficult times when temptation come.
    I'm 160 pounds and I would like to achieve the gol of 120 pounds!
    PS sorry for my not so good english!
  • Hi Valu! Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find support here!
  • Welcome valu! Your english is far superior to my italian, so no worries! If you can narrow down your approach, low fat + calorie counting, low carb, etc. you'll be able to see more info that can help your specific path. Welcome!
  • Welcome!
  • Your English is looking good and you will be too! Welcome!
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome! I'm vegetarian from 10 years now, I recently started a zone diet, seems to work,but sometimes it's difficult to find the protein part of the meal...
    Also I think I should add some work out...but I don't know where to start...
    One last thing, I would like to ask to all the ladies how they manage the craving pre period...I cave last time and so I basically had to start over the diet...
  • Valu, I'm in perimenopause and still have those awful cravings. Most often I give into them, then pick myself up and start over. It does slow down the weight loss, but I'm steadily losing. I wish I could be more help. I'll be looking for answers to your question, too.
  • Sometimes little nibbles help me, if I am craving then I am
    thinking my blood sugar is dropping, so I get a few nuts
    or a small piece of cheese and a beverage and nibble
    the nuts or cheese very slowly, just to take the edge
    off. The usually keeps me until the next meal time.
  • Thank you everyone! I will try very hard to not fall into temptation!