Food you used to like but now can't stand

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  • Don't get me wrong, I love my greasy, cheap-as-chips, takeaway Chinese, but now I can't eat the thing without my body hating me for it (with painful bloating especially). Whilst there's nothing I hate, I have disinclination's now to creamy products, like McFlurry's (which I used to LOVE) and cream cakes. In general, I also have little desire for fizzy drinks (I now dislike the bubbles) and sweet things in general.
  • Regular soda and mcdonalds. Mcdonalds has so much salt and since i started going lower sodium i can really tell the difference. It just tastes like pure salt now. Regular soda tastes like chemicals to me now.
  • The idea of eating many fast-foods is really off-putting to me. Its not the taste (well, sometimes its the taste) but the queasy feeling I get after eating it. That's one junk food I was glad to kick.
  • I hate the smell of shopping malls food courts. HATE IT. And... i used to love it. Has this happened to any of you?
  • Sorry, i still love all of it but LUCKILY and gratefully i love healthy clean eating as well!!
  • I still like how the food I used to eat before tastes like but something weird happened to me yesterday, since I started my diet (15 days ago) I never had red meat (only fish and chicken) but yesterday I did include it in my lunch and for the rest of the day I felt so heavy and sooo tired ! I guess that's how ill feel if I eat fast or junk food and im glad I know that now
  • Sadly I still like all the food in the world Maybe only McDonald's stuff not as much as i used too. But I still think of having burger time to time
  • I've read so much on the disgusting chemicals and additives in fast food that I am sometimes repulsed by it!
  • I think like a lot of people that have posted so far its not that I don't like foods anymore but that my body can't take them. And while I still love french fries, anything with the words "beefy" or "cheesy" kinda makes me sick afterwards (and honestly sick thinking about it.) I think I like a lot more healthier foods now than I hate unhealthy foods. It just kind of balances out.
  • I love chicken wings.

    I guess part of me is lucky in a way that I grew up in a fairly healthy household and really didn't eat much junk. However, on the occasions that I did, I'd have severe stomach pain, since I was a child. People always think I make good food choices based on health, but sometimes it's to avoid setting off a sensitive stomach!

    I seem to be sensitive to coffee, many grains, gluten, red meat, greasy/fried foods, dairy, and now officially avocado. If my beloved spicy food ever starts to set me off, I'll be screwed, lol.
  • I still like 99% things I used to eat. But then again, it was never like I lived off a diet of deep-fried Mars bars and french fries something. My main issue was I ate too much of everything whether healthy or unhealthy.

    There are a couple of things I used to love that I don't really like as much anymore, although I'd still eat them. Pepperoni, super chocolatey desserts... Unfortunately there are a myriad of pizzas that don't involve pepperoni and even more non-chocolate desserts than chocolate ones... so it doesn't really make me any better off.

    The only things I used to love that I've cut out completely from my diet are things that trigger my irritable bowel now so basically spicy food (I was into the hottest curries possible) and tropical fruits especially pineapple (which unfortunately are basically the fruits that grow where I live). But I still love everything else. Unfortunately.
  • sweets. I love the idea of sweets, but then I eat them and I want to puke. I hate oreos. I used to love them but they're my number 1 binge food so I've grown to hate them. Unless they're in dirt or something, but I think that's because the oreo to pudding to whipped cream ratio is such that you're only eating 1 oreo.

    I have always hated candy, but I will eat the occasional fun size snickers or kit kat.

    I have gone from having a terrible sweet tooth to craving fats; the delicious fat on a steak or a piece of bacon or some fried chicken skin. my mouth is watering...
  • Like many others on this thread, I still like a lot of the foods I used to eat in abundance like, ice cream, candy, fries, burgers, etc. Now I've found that when I eat most greasy foods, I get really queasy. A few weeks ago I went out to dinner at Ihop with a friend and we were both starving, which usually leads to bad decisions for me. I ordered my usual go-to for this restaurant, I hadn't been here in almost a year, which was the country fried steak breakfast. I was actually really surprised by how sick I felt after eating it. I had never had a problem eating this meal before. It's interesting to see how the body changes over time when we make healthier choices.
  • I don't like fast food burgers anymore. They don't even look filling. I also CAN'T STAND the smell of food frying which used to make me want to follow the smell.
  • I never liked Long John Silver's fish but I always loved the chicken planks. Now I can't stand them, or the hush puppies. It's the fact that they are fried. It was when I started eating low carb that I cut back on fried foods because of the carby breading. Now I can't stand the taste of it. No fried chicken at all. Roasted all the way! When DH wants Long John Silvers I have him get it to go and then I come home and make some grilled fish for myself. He hates it grilled.