Finally in onderland!!

  • Finally met my second mini goal......onederland! I'm 198.8 lbs this morning. I was starting to feel badly these past couple of weeks with the scale moving so slowly and wasn't able to run for a week. Was thinking that none of this was worth it and the craving became awful. I changed my foods a little bit due to boredom. This is awesome! We are going on holiday in 5 days and really wanted onederland before leaving because my family back in the states have not seen me since weighing 245 pounds!! that "1" makes such a difference mentally
  • Holy Cow congratulations!!!

    That must feel Ah-Mazing!!!!!
  • that. is. awesome. bask in the glow of victory all the way back to the states.

    also, it sounds like you haven't seen your family for a bit, I hope you have a lovely holiday visiting with them.
  • Thanks tinneranne2 I haven't seen my family in over 6 months , so I'm anxious to their reaction ( dealing with body image issues so I'm half expecting that there is no difference = no reaction) as a mini goal gift I bought myself a cute dress for going away size 16
  • Congrats, your doing great!
  • Good going lady, your on your way to diet success...
  • Awesome work, good for you Cheddah!
  • Congratulations and have a wonderful trip showing off your smaller self!!!