One Week POP Challenge

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  • Welcome jdkwriter! Feel free to whine just don't drink the wine.

    Debbie thanks for the good laugh! Keep that picture in your head because you know it is true.
  • Today was a POP day. A little on the low side, calorie-wise (1,100)...however I filled up with smart choices. Drank more diet soda than I should have, but that wasn't a goal this week! lol
  • hi all

    UBEE, the carbs I can eat are off a green list being eat freely to fill yourself, then there is an orange and red list. It is mostly loose leaves, cauliflower, brocolli etc usual low carb greens.
  • Yesterday was a POP win for me. I'm struggling with eating breakfast within 30 minutes of getting up, but I'm not hungry and am managing to incorporate in exercise.
  • Yesterday was a struggle but I made it. I had to climb Mount Everest on the treadmill to make up for all my taste testing.

    jdk good job with a POP day. I decided this morning that from now on I will only eat between 8 am & 5 pm. I wake up at 4:30 ish everyday. So, your post brought me a little chuckle.

    Thanks for explaining papercut. At our house we call that the go (Green) slow (Orange/yellow) WHOA (Red) list. Once you start to avoid the red/whoa list life gets easier.

    Kayle I just recently found out that doctors always recommended a 1000 calorie a day diet until sometime in the 70's. Check out old pictures and see how trim everyone was back then. They weren't in starvation mode, they were healthy. Just my opinion...
  • Ubee - I have NEVER heard that! I figure if I'm making good choices, and I'm full, I'm not going to stuff myself to reach a calorie goal.

    A good POP day today. Had some cashews as an afternoon snack, which had 18 carbs, but still ended my day with a pretty low number. Finished off my long day at work with one of my fave low carb dinners....salsa chicken!

    Got in a LOT of water today.
  • been very good this week so far, scale not being kind and showing any encouragement. tried talking nicely to it, but to no avail lol think it is really going to make me sweat it out. Planning another walk today my hours are so long need to find a gym that is open really early.

    hope everyone has a POP day
  • POP today. However, I have to fast for pre-op clearance testing tomorrow morning, and I'm STARVING right now! I'd do awful things for some string cheese right about now. Ha!
  • Morning all, I am feeling so awesome to day.......................................... I started @231.5lbs and today the scale is me BFF 224.8lbs

    @Kayleystar; crossing fingers and toes for you

    I hope everyone is super pumped for the weekend.
  • Good Morning!
    Weds was not POP for me but I was an angel yesterday. Going to finish out the rest of the days STRONG!
    Papercut what a difference a day makes. My scale would be my BFF if I jumped on it and it said that!
    Good luck Kayle! I bet in the past it would not have been string cheese you would have killed for.
  • Papercut - FANTASTIC! Celebrate that scale!

    Not POP today. Had a granola bar after my testing was over with. Wouldn't have been awful but then I had chili from Wendy's. Ah well, tomorrow is another day.
  • Kayley, I know I started a PERFECTLY on plan thread BUT my favorite saying is progress not perfection.
    I think that is really sinking in this week. This thread is helping but I am not being as strict as I had hoped.
    One important thing that has happened is that I became aware of some unhealthy things that had snuck back into my diet.
  • OK, Ubee, I've been walking around with my middle finger raised thinking of you giving me a thumbs up or down, but some folks seem insulted. I've switched you over to my index finger. People now just think I'm odd......

    Have been on plan for 3 days now, have lost 6 pounds, and can breathe better although still need to get another 20 pounds off to "fix" the breathing problem.

    How about we do this challenge one week at a time for the next six months. There's something about a short term challenge that I can handle better than one going for several months. Anyone else up for that?
  • Bad eating weekend!! To much home cooking. My portions were to large
  • Morning all,
    had a strong weekend woke up this morning to falling temp
    clean forgot to weigh myself this moring was rushing around like a mad woman.