Fabulous Friday Beach Chat for 08/01 (aka Holy Crap, it's August already!)

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  • Good morning, ladies. Wow, I can't believe it's August! I sure hope you other ladies are having as pleasant a Summer as we are here in Massachusetts. It has not been unbearably hot at all...nice sunny days with decent temps. Heaven!

    For those following along, I *did* resist temptation last night and the ice cream bar remains in the fridge to be eaten by my co-workers instead of me. The apple cider doughnuts were gone when I came in yesterday, so that temptation had been removed. I will wait until my mom is here in November and I will introduce her to the apple cider doughnut so popular up here.

    Speaking of, I heard today that apparently tomato sandwiches ("mater sammiches" as we would say back home, LOL) are a "Southern thing." Is this true? I don't eat them...but it's basically sliced up fresh tomatoes on white bread w/ just mayo and maybe some salt and pepper. Any of you Northerners ever had one?

    I'm 2 hours in to my 8 hour shift and, once I'm done, I'll be off for 2 days. Thinking about going to the movies tomorrow night (dammit, "tonight" for you guys...Friday night). Might throw some ribs in the crockpot and pick up some cauliflower to mash. What's on the agenda for Friday?


    Wow, it is August already. How bizarre.

    Natasha, I do believe it is a southern thing. I can even hear granny saying it the way you wrote it. Never had it growing up in IL though (btw - Cottage, if you read this, I grew up right over the border into IL - wave hello for me!).

    I was doing well and resisted chips and the jello cake at work yesterday, but didn't resist the cake my daughter made - how could I tell her no?! (lol) I did only eat less than half of what everyone else had, does that count? She did an awesome job, it was delicious .

    Today is just work - everyone did enjoy my confetti salad, even the lady that doesn't like beans. Gratefully, there is a bit leftover, and that will be my lunch today .

    DH is taking off with DS today to see his parents in NC (granny and papa both had nasty falls last week), so it's DD and I alone this weekend. GIRL time!!
  • Good morning, Twynn! I think a little sampling here and there is okay. I still haven't tried the confetti salad...I keep forgetting. Maybe soon.

    Anybody else in the New England area having to find a new place to shop until this Market Basket mess is over with??? Ugh! I'm such a creature of habit and it's REALLY ticking me off to have to go to another grocery store whose layout I'm not familiar with.
  • Good morning, Natasha and Beachers to follow. It's cozy in here this morning as I forgot to turn off the heat at bedtime. We had another day and night of downpours - July broke all records for rain and cool temperatures.

    I'm not sure what today will bring but I'm going a bit stir-crazy so may take a quick trip to Brockville for some shopping - nothing exciting, just odds and ends but you never know what might catch my eye.

    There's also clothing to drop off at the Thrift Shop - some of it still with the price tags. I also discovered three pair of brand new jeans, all the same size and style, and can't remember why or where I bought them. They nearly fit - five pounds off would help. (I think I must sleep-shop!)

    No rain forecast for today but the sun is still not showing from behind the clouds although it's supposed to have risen before six. that it gets its act together. I need sunshine today because I'm getting crabby!
  • Guess I need to post faster and not take a pause to refill my coffee mug.

    Tammy, I forgot to say rabbit, rabbit, rabbit although I do know it's a new month. Thanks for setting me straight.

    By the way, we DO have tomato sammies up here - white bread, butter, mayo and s & p. My favourite is a toasted BLT though.

    Now I need to Google Market Basket to see what that's about.
  • Good morning, ladies! Happy August to all!

    Good job to those of you resisting temptation!! (Natasha and Tammy) I have been trying to do a strict Phase I this week to get myself back in control. Natasha, my family never made mater sammies but I remember putting sliced radishes on buttered bread.

    Ruth, the sun peeked out for a brief time yesterday- did you blink and miss it? Enjoy your trip to Brockville.

    As soon as I get my omelet DH and I are off to BJs for a MAJOR re-stocking. With both kids home right now we are blowing through food at a crazy rate. Then this afternoon it is an oil change for my car. Productive but not very exciting.

    Ok, got to check my list! Have a good day, chicks!
  • What does rabbit, rabbit, rabbit mean? That's a new one to me. I weighed myself today even though I'm not technically really starting Phase 1 until Monday. Ugh, I had hoped for better, but it's ok. I'll get back on track. I've already eaten very low carb for much of the month so it won't really be a struggle to do Phase 1.

    Ruth, I'm sorry to hear about all your rain. That must really be bad after such a horrible winter. Is there an indoor pool near you?
  • G morning!

    On the run we didn't get home till 10 last night and I set the alarm for late since I'm getting a cold. No mater Sammie's here and no baby either.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit is an English custom. If you say it first thing on the first day of a new month, it is supposed to bring good luck for the month.
  • Got it. My background is English so I'm surprised I never heard that before.
  • Good morning,

    Natasha good for you resisting temptation, I on the other hand fell of the wagon yesterday and was eating junk food left and right (I blame TOM). Today is back on track for me, want to eat clean the whole month of August.

    Tywnn enjoy your girl time this weekend

    Ruth- We need some of your rain here though they said we might get some this afternoon.

    Beth I know what you mean now that DS has a job with regular hours is his eating at home more often which adds up to more groceries

    Mmckellan welcome back hope everything has been going well for you

    Debbie isn't baby watch so exciting? Such a thrill

    Today is wfh home for me, hasn't been bad at all glad I decided to work instead of taking the two full weeks off. Hasn't hurt that both my boss and her boss had taken off the days I came back, gives me time to get caught up before Monday's craziness of meetings.

    DD2 and I are going back to school shopping this weekend. We got her backpack at LLBean when we were in Maine so we are good there.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • Good morning

    Ruth. Quite enough of this rain, hey

    Natasha. Good going on resisting the goodies

    Beth yummy for radish sanwiches

    Tammy. Lucky you remembering to say rabbit, rabbit. Did your dd make the cake from scratch

    Debbie. Is it going to be a boy

    Mmc. How was your day yesterday with ds. How old is he now

    pearlrose. Hope your holiday was nice

    I have been having woes with my new walking shoes. Too tight on one foot and too lose on the other. Dh says that maybe the solution is to buy two different sizes. Did a very deep clean of the kitchen this week so hoping to have time to take in a walk this morning before the rain.striving for a clean phase2 this month
  • Ruth - Long story short, there is a family feud going on amongst the board members which resulted in the ousting of the CEO. Employees are protesting until he is brought back. Customers are boycotting until he is brought back. Profits are down 90% in the stores. It's awful and gets worse everyday. At this point I fear that Market Basket will never bounce back, even if they DO bring back Artie T.
  • Ruth. Is that rainy saint suppose to continue his work into August
    take care
  • Late check in. By the time I read everyone's posts I forget what I meant to write lol. I do remember my grandma eating tomatoe sandwiches (mayo, S&P) She was born and raised in NY (Queens) I also remember a treat was sugar sand which (white bread with butter and sugar sprinkled on it) I believe for her these originated during the depression.

    Work has been a little trying. I never realized how "needy" some of our officers are. Ugh!!!

    Been doing really well the past two days. Hope to see a whoosh soon

    Have a lovely evening