Been fasting, and gymmin, periods late and blood sugar is up too?

  • I am wondering why my blood sugar level has been so high lately. My period is due, few days late so far, and it seems as if my blood glucose reading, this morning first thing. was 148, and after dinner was 168.

    Is this a sign of Pre-Diabetes, or that my period is due soon? And the high blood sugar reading just symbolizes that my period is like on the way, and so my blood sugar reading is just picking up on the old blood in me that still hasn't been shed and therefore is causing a false, high blood sugar reading.

    Must I see a Dr if morning blood level is 148 and after dinner is 168? That was 1 hour after dinner and 1 hour before breakfast. However I did binge early 3 AM on a container of really sweet, and oodly decadant Chocolate Peanut Butter.....Would that matter 4 hrs later when I ck my blood sugar level?

    It could also be the water pills and the hot weather too, ha? Also I must Not forget, the 3AM Chocolate Pb binge. PMS always gets me out of bed 3AMish to stuff on any chocolate in the house. Good thing it's not near Halloween yet; that's a challenging time of the year for my binge behavior too...

    Unsatisfied and Sublimating on Chocolates instead: ED night---(every darn, Translator, 2014).

  • Hello. I have some experience with this. About 10 yrs ago I wasn't feeling well. I was urinating constantly without drinking much. I had weird cravings but wasn't pregnant. Even in the middle of the night i would wake with a growling stomach from hunger. I'm not a binge eater. I borrowed my mothers glucometer and tested after breakfast and was in the 200's. Then fasting was 200's again. I was now a diabetic. I didn't go on insulin at all. Different meds. But once I started watching sugars and carbs and lost 20 lbs my sugars became normal in a year. Even now I check periodically. I consider myself a diabetic sensitive. Meaning I and predisposed. It's in family too. My step mom is a nurse and her levels are similar to yours. And at that point she was considered a prediabetic. A year or so later she IS a diabetic. I would definitely call your doctor and get these numbers under control. Diabetes damages the kidneys, eyes, nervous/ circulatory system. I'm not trying to scare you. But this can be potentially serious. You DONT want to be a diabetic and all the issues that come with it. I've seen it with my mom. I've almost been ther myself. Get checked. Talk to your doctor and do your homework. My sugars have been normal ever since. But I always think about it. Every pound I lose is another pound away from diabetes. Hope this helps
  • Thank You
  • I would recommend seeing a doctor for fasting labwork. Over 135 is considered diabetic I believe. I am prediabetic, for seven years, and my fasting results over the years have varied from 115-125. Since changing my diet, at home, they are lower now.
  • Well, i Finally had that,"Whoosh" I'd been waiting for.
    It's actually a relief, as I was beginning to wonder where my my menses could have gone. I had this blubbery feeling of goop, just pooling in my abdominal area, and there was sooo much pressure.

    So I decided to take my Midol and a few muscle relaxants.(That I just recall having in my meds cabinet). Then, like an hour later, before I went for my usual gym workout,(thank goodness), I was overcome with all this pressure, and I thought that I had to urinate really badly.

    I ran to the restroom, and was very excited to see that, "My best friend of the month" had made it finally. Hopefully my menses do a good job, and by the time I'm soooo over and done with this period, I would have dropped the 8 lbs that I had unfortunately retained/gained during PMS.

    So I am going to workout extra hard, in spite of my period, and make sure I get rid of the last add on of + 8 Lbs from PMS. Ahhhhh, Then I plan to go on, and work on my next immediate weight loss goal of losing -10 Lbs, in the next month.

    PMS is quite a challenge. And I really hate regaining around the last week before my period. I suppose I need to use more water pills round that time of the month, and less sodium, and heavy stuff like the chocolate old fashioned doughnuts, cakes, ice cream, and oodles and oodles of sweet, and delicious and decadent toppings that go with my yummy PMS cravings.....Oh well???:di zzy:
  • You might consider a low carb diet if your sugar is running high. It's rough for the first couple of weeks, but it will keep Type II Diabetes away!
  • My period only lasted for about 1.5 days though. Never had such a brief duration of my menses before. I have been exercising very consistently and cut way back on my fat intake. I know from the past that if I don't have enough lard in my diet before my period is due it will be delayed. But never delayed and only a day and a half in duration. Any ladies in your 40's have this experience. I recently switched to a female hormone, from estro and progesterone to progesterone only, "mini pill." Anyone who used this hormone have a similar experience. So is this change in my menses from the pill, or from my low fat diet???
  • I know I shouldn't jump in on a thread like this for risk of killing it. But I keep seeing it at the top of the new posts.

    Long story short.

    Eat a can of sardines every day and in a month your blood sugar will be fixed.

    Prove me wrong.