hello, new poster

  • Hi everyone, long-time lurker and new poster here!

    I'm 25, married, living overseas, working freelance as a translator.
    I'm not trying to lose weight QUITE at the moment, since I'm nearly 20 weeks pregnant, but my pregnancy has spurred me into really eating healthy and staying active. I hope to keep the weight gain under control and then try to lose it a while after the birth.

    I'm currently close to 142 pounds, having gained about 7 pounds so far in my pregnancy, but I also put on a good 20 pounds in the two years before that while I was trying to GET pregnant (not the best idea!). So for now, my goal is just not gain too much, and my next goal will be to be back to 115 after a year or so!

    Hope to make some friends here!
  • Where at overseas? We just came back from 2 years in South Korea! Congrats on baby!!!